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Releases: bcgsc/pori_ipr_client


15 Aug 00:50
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Release/v6.31.1 notes:

[DEVSU-2427] - user without projects can't add new user because projects and groups don't load
[DEVSU-2431] - Error adding user: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON when signing report

[DEVSU-2370] - add time to 'you will be logged out' message


12 Aug 17:57
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.31.0

[DEVSU-2408] - Analysts can't change report status on IPR
[DEVSU-2410] - Can't sign reports in IPR
[DEVSU-2411] - therapeutic options table is mis-ordered in print views
[DEVSU-2416] - users with report-assignment-access role can't assign selves to targeted gene reports

New Features
[DEVSU-2412] - sort by evidence in collapsed rows in PrintTable


30 Jul 21:38
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.30.0


  • [DEVSU-2153] - PDF genomic report sometimes missing sections
  • [DEVSU-2256] - Add toggle for allowNotifications
  • [DEVSU-2265] - Printed genomic report - issues with tables across two tables
  • [DEVSU-2276] - "no rows to show" cut off in expression correlation tables
  • [DEVSU-2277] - update 'do you want to stay logged in' box options
  • [DEVSU-2287] - new template can't be created with only one section
  • [DEVSU-2288] - dropdown menu for therapeutic targets starts at 3 letters, genes start at 2
  • [DEVSU-2297] - edit user pop-up in client is awkward/buggy
  • [DEVSU-2299] - in projects view, page info is cut off
  • [DEVSU-2306] - admins should see all projects in projects view
  • [DEVSU-2325] - Underline Not Working in Appendix Text
  • [DEVSU-2351] - make captiv-8 field editable in the genomic report
  • [DEVSU-2352] - appendix text loading to report summary display is broken
  • [DEVSU-2353] - Reordering TO table does not work as intended
  • [DEVSU-2355] - variant/cancer type values don't get set to null after variant text is created
  • [DEVSU-2367] - bullet points missing from analyst comments field
  • [DEVSU-2369] - remove option to add clinical trial rows to PTO tables
  • [DEVSU-2375] - Make paragraph element show spacing even if empty
  • [DEVSU-2376] - dropdown filter on column doesn't work on second page
  • [DEVSU-2377] - TumourSummary edit is missing a list of props
  • [DEVSU-2383] - Allow managers to edit appendices without specific projects
  • [DEVSU-2390] - error when sending test email
  • [DEVSU-2392] - handle null values for recruitment status
  • [DEVSU-2393] - NaN for PanGen report count in projects view
  • [DEVSU-2394] - bug with admin user project access
  • [DEVSU-2396] - TumourSummaryEdit fix for Genomic and Rapid
  • [DEVSU-2398] - update rapid report to get patho tc from sampleInfo not reportSampleInfo
  • [DEVSU-2399] - fix report-sample-info acquisition for report types in client
  • [DEVSU-2401] - report assignment access users can't assign reports
  • [DEVSU-2402] - 'group edited' message when group editing failed
  • [DEVSU-2405] - threshold for keyvariant search isn't making it to the search url correctly

New Feature

  • [DEVSU-1028] - Aggregating therapeutic options table gene variant information
  • [DEVSU-2138] - Hyperlink POGs in correlation page
  • [DEVSU-2247] - add filter by variant to reports
  • [DEVSU-2278] - update appendix editing in client
  • [DEVSU-2300] - 'copy user permissions' feature for client
  • [DEVSU-2336] - add frontend for setting/displaying variant text
  • [DEVSU-2337] - edit client handling of sample info, if necessary


  • [DEVSU-2099] - update potential therapeutic targets table to include signature
  • [DEVSU-2161] - display name of user who created the report, somewhere
  • [DEVSU-2163] - when report status is 'archived', don't allow any changes except to status
  • [DEVSU-2257] - add button to send test notification email to client
  • [DEVSU-2267] - remove 'beta' print option for non-genomic report types; rename option
  • [DEVSU-2275] - create separate summary types for genomic and rapid types
  • [DEVSU-2281] - add info to analysis status section
  • [DEVSU-2290] - Enable 'Add to Therapeutic Targets' Options for KB Matches
  • [DEVSU-2298] - fix groups view add/delete user
  • [DEVSU-2301] - 'my reports' filter
  • [DEVSU-2321] - review types in ipr-client - make sure no duplicates
  • [DEVSU-2346] - change potential-chemoresistance tablename to 'potential resistance and toxicity'


  • [DEVSU-1964] - decrease whitespace in reports
  • [DEVSU-2119] - print report header contents update
  • [DEVSU-2269] - fix how user groups are handled
  • [DEVSU-2271] - implement condensed view for other report types
  • [DEVSU-2272] - remove the ability to edit template appendix texts on reports
  • [DEVSU-2302] - minor appendixview visual changes
  • [DEVSU-2303] - in AppendixView, display only first 10 or so lines of the appendix text
  • [DEVSU-2304] - add user-group descriptions
  • [DEVSU-2305] - less minor appendixview visual changes
  • [DEVSU-2308] - make it possible for users to view their own groups and projects
  • [DEVSU-2312] - add delete/create for appendix text
  • [DEVSU-2313] - add reviewer and creator columns to reports view
  • [DEVSU-2319] - use tooltips for viewing contents of cells with long string data
  • [DEVSU-2333] - move biopsy collection date up to the patient/tumour summary in the client
  • [DEVSU-2334] - add biopsy_type field to report view
  • [DEVSU-2342] - Reactivate PatientsView in IPR
  • [DEVSU-2360] - convert variant-text cancer-type field to a list
  • [DEVSU-2362] - changes to microbial status field handling in client
  • [DEVSU-2371] - Allow editing of Cancer Type on variant text
  • [DEVSU-2389] - update display of lists of objects in DetailView



23 Apr 18:30
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.29.2


  • [DEVSU-2258] - change captiv-8 score in rapid report only to 'preliminary captiv-8 score'


  • [DEVSU-2120] - display pathway analysis legend on same page as pathway analysis


12 Apr 21:21
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.29.1


  • [DEVSU-2251] - Not able to view rapid report for POG1757
  • [DEVSU-2252] - Cannot hide CD8+ T cell percentile
  • [DEVSU-2253] - printing genomic report on chrome - very bad formatting issues


05 Apr 21:10
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.29.0


  • [DEVSU-2225] - Signature box format changed in printed report
  • [DEVSU-2244] - CD8+ T cell score + percentile lost from immune section if edited
  • [DEVSU-2246] - report counts not displaying in project page


  • [DEVSU-2193] - more front-page changes in print report
  • [DEVSU-2233] - Add option to SNV, CNV, SV, and exp tables to add to front page
  • [DEVSU-2239] - Do not display "mutation burden" field in summary page manual edit popup in IPR


  • [DEVSU-2117] - table reorganization in IPR print report
  • [DEVSU-2240] - Add new 'Pediatric CD8+ T Cell Score' field in IPR tumour summary


13 Mar 23:40
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.28.0


  • [DEVSU-2177] - Reordering TO table does not work as intended
  • [DEVSU-2194] - Printed genomic report does not retain text formatting
  • [DEVSU-2226] - Manuall editing TMB on report summary page also affects Tmbur table
  • [DEVSU-2234] - Some tables in IPR don't show default number of rows without scrolling


  • [DEVSU-2191] - print-to-file report name updates
  • [DEVSU-2192] - print-to-file report name further updates
  • [DEVSU-2210] - Update the TGR report name when saving pdfs from IPR


  • [DEVSU-2231] - display adjusted tmbur score in summary if available


23 Feb 21:23
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.27.1


  • [DEVSU-2224] - Unable to see Settings page or sign report


23 Feb 00:02
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Release Notes - IPR - Version client v6.27.0


  • [DEVSU-2212] - Underline button not working for Comments section


  • [DEVSU-2199] - add report-specific appendix text to appendix c display in client


  • [DEVSU-2179] - display additional appendix text in the client
  • [DEVSU-2188] - add 'recruitment_status' to display for tables that include clinical trial eligibility statements


16 Feb 21:55
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Release Notes - IPR Client v6.26.0

[DEVSU-2165] - can't create new project without users

New Features
[DEVSU-2148] - make 'genome tmb' and captiv8 score into editable fields
[DEVSU-2201] - IPR - Make SV Burden (POG average) - field editable

[DEVSU-2213] - update frontend to make cd8t editable

[DEVSU-2171] - update client release workflow
[DEVSU-2179] - display additional appendix text in the client