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Rowan edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 32 revisions

Oh no, what's gone wrong, babe? Let's see if we can help you...

  • Program won't launch?

    • Try deleting the recent file entries from preferences.ini - corrupt entries in this file (and/or references to recent files which no longer exist) can prevent the program from launching. In Windows 10, the file can be found @ /Users/????/AppData/Roaming/Black_Hole_Studios/SNES_Tracker.
      ✅This was a known bug, fixed in SNES Tracker v0.2.0.
    • Ensure you have the /cursors folder extracted, otherwise it won't launch.
      ✅This was a known bug, fixed in SNES Tracker v0.1.1.
  • Program launched but doesn't look how I was expecting. The SNES Tracker package contains two executable programs, the main program and the debugger. Make sure you are running the main program!

  • My BRR sample doesn't sound right! Try a different note. Samples can sound terrible and sometimes even unrecognisable when played at the wrong pitch. Also, the ADSR Instrument settings you specify will hugely affect the sound.

  • I added a new instrument and suddenly everything sounds messed up! You may have run out of memory. Enter the Song Settings panel and try reducing Echo Delay value, as this can use a lot of memory.

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