Python scripts for UDC and digital preservation tasks
- written for Python 3.12.1
- uses the following libraries:
- feedparser (
- csv
- re
- time
- requires user to provide -EITHER- a single RSS URL and a filepath/filename for the resulting output -OR- a headerless CSV with several RSS URLs in column A and filepaths/filenames for outputs in column B
- creates one csv per URL in the specified location; if no location is provided files are saved in the same location as the script. Each file represents one RSS feed, and each line represents a single entry/episode in the feed
- output column headers are labelled with the Dublin Core metadata element used in our instance of DSpace (including the collection and id columns DSpace requires for bulk ingests)
- most data should be relatively clean, but description field may contain HTML markup that needs to be stripped/reformatted
- to download images and audio files, I currently use Chrome extensions to bulk open URLs in new tabs and to bulk download
- known issues/future development ideas:
- add cleanup of HTML elements in description field
- add a date cutoff to ignore episodes older than a given date
- integrate optional download of image and audio files
- written for Python 3.12.1
- requires user to provide EITHER a CSV file (with a list of filepaths/filenames in column A) OR a starting directory (which the script searches recursively to create a file list)
- checks each file for...
- a well-formed extension (a period with 3 characters)
- one and only one period
- no whitespace or nonprinting characters
- characters outside of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash, underscore, backslash, and period
- 0 or 1 colon (allow for relative and absolute filepaths)
- creates a csv in the same location where the script is saved; file contains the file list as well as each potential issue in its own column (e.g., extension issues are noted in column B and whitespace issues are noted in column C).
- known issues:
- may return false positives for accepted 4-character extensions (e.g., JPEG or TIFF)
- written for Python 3.12.1
- requires a CSV with a current filepath and filename in column A, and a desired filepath/filename in column B
- checks that the new path/filename isn't already taken and checks each new path/name for quality (see
- skipping any of those potential problems, it will create any directories that are needed and move/rename files
- gives a summary of files found, successes, and errors
- creates a log with a file-by-file summary of changes