It's beyond the scope of this document to help you configure your pi-star machine.
- systemd/logtailer.service should run as root (required to run properly)
- created the ipv[4|6].fw files to add the firewall rules needed to MMDVMDash to allow access
- modified the scripts/ script to use a better server, run as mmdvm and save the output to the MMDVMDash directory
- modified the html/index.html file to show "F" instead of "C" on the sysinfo tab (see note 1)
- note 1: If you want to view the CPU temp in celcius, then change "F" back to "C" in the html/index.html file (around line 265)
otherwise, you're going to have to do a little editing in one of the python libraries to convert celcius to farenheit
- Make the disk rw by typing (rpi-rw)
- Become root by typing (sudo su)
- Change to the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil directory (cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil)
- Edit the file (nano
- Scroll down 1200 lines or so until you reach a section that shows "# --- sensors"
- Look for the line that says "current = (float(cat(path)) / 1000.0" This should be around line 1210 or so
- Change it to read "current1 = (float(cat(path)) / 1000.0" and press enter
- USE SPACES to move the cursor until it's under the "c" from the line above
- Add "current = float(current1 * 1.8 + 32)
- note 1: If you want to view the CPU temp in celcius, then change "F" back to "C" in the html/index.html file (around line 265)
otherwise, you're going to have to do a little editing in one of the python libraries to convert celcius to farenheit
- You shouldn't have to edit the logtailer.ini file as it's already setup for pi-star
- You shouldn't have to edit the html/js/config.js as it's already setup for pi-star
- Edit the data/TG_List.csv file to reflect the talkgroups that you have enabled on your pi-star
- Try to hack together a simple install script
- IF YOU ENABLE THE INSTALLER: please be prepared to file bug reports into this repo (click "Issues" above and then "New issue"). This WILL require that you have a github account. If you aren't willing to file bug reports, please do NOT enable the installer. This means you'll have to do everything MANUALLY!
- This repo is based on the work of @dg9vh from his MMDVMDash-Websockets repo.
- is based on the work of
- If you've found this useful, drop me a line and let me know.
- Be sure to thank @dg9vh for his original work!