Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.
If you want to take a look at the current beta version, go ahead and get your copy of cryptomator on or clone and build Cryptomator using Maven (instructions below).
- Totally transparent: Just work on the encrypted volume, as if it was an USB flash drive
- Works with Dropbox, OneDrive (Skydrive), Google Drive and any other cloud storage, that syncs with a local directory.
- In fact it works with any directory. You can use it to encrypt as many folders as you like
- AES encryption with 256-bit key length
- Client-side. No accounts, no data shared with any online service
- Filenames get encrypted too
- No need to provide credentials for any 3rd party service
- Open Source means: No backdoors. Control is better than trust
- Use as many encrypted folders in your Dropbox as you want. Each having individual passwords
- No commercial interest, no government agency, no wasted taxpayers' money ;-)
- 256 bit keys (unlimited strength policy bundled with native binaries - 128-bit elsewhere)
- Scrypt key derivation
- Cryptographically secure random numbers for salts, IVs and the master key of course
- Sensitive data is swiped from the heap asap
- Lightweight: Complexity kills security
- HMAC over file contents to recognize changed ciphertext before decryption
- I/O operations are transactional and atomic, if the file systems support it
- Each file contains all information needed for decryption (except for the key of course). No common metadata means no SPOF
- Java 8 + JCE unlimited strength policy files (needed for 256-bit keys)
- Maven 3
- Optional: OS-dependent build tools for native packaging (See Windows, OS X, Debian)
Distributed under the MIT X Consortium license. See the LICENSE file for more info.