AIOUFOBit is Python's fastest Async Uniform Fiscal Object library and was designed from the beginning to feel intuitive, be effortless to use, and have readable source code. It is heavily inspired by AioHttp and Keras. Based on Ofek's Bit code.
UFOBit is so easy to use, in fact, you can do this:
>>> import ufobit
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def get_balance():
>>> wallet = ufobit.Key(...) # set your private key
>>> balance = await wallet.get_balance('ufo')
>>> print(balance)
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>> async def get_output():
>>> outputs = [
>>> ('Bz9rtnrFgjEC6Tv6CWpHz8EYFwJJJnwwjq', 25, 'ufo'),
>>> ('Bu6rsw6ineEDUuH1Ph5CRzVqTt7s3skgDq', 50, 'satoshi'),
>>> ('C5urCiXUyAnsrnKf7RaB2oBpdKxo51Vkpc', 0.02, 'usd'),
>>> ('CFhf3Pk3T3MhFvAidRZJ9cxkJ8DurLYmo1', 1, 'rub'),
>>> ]
>>> tx_id = await wallet.send(outputs)
>>> await'cfecc199a5c6e6bc24610366e8eda36571162e9e3f7c419f0b6095c257acc5fc')
"hash": "cfecc199a5c6e6bc24610366e8eda36571162e9e3f7c419f0b6095c257acc5fc",
"block": 1275211,
"timestamp": 1522830963,
"confirmations": 5493,
"fees": 0.01,
"total_input": 378.623,
"inputs": [
"addr": "CA9GaxxUuhexg2hv14Ws1wkvoxLmfqT7HY",
"amount": 3.0,
"received_from": {
"tx": "17290dcbb508f2c69b7ba552c88176e679865297fb090d7ef061cc37c4d9599a",
"n": 0
"addr": "CA9GaxxUuhexg2hv14Ws1wkvoxLmfqT7HY",
"amount": 375.623,
"received_from": {
"tx": "2334f2259f57207876a2b7364d2f7e306c18f0db2e76c8324f71f69ae587cebc",
"n": 1
"total_output": 378.613,
"outputs": [
"addr": "Bz9rtnrFgjEC6Tv6CWpHz8EYFwJJJnwwjq",
"amount": 25.0,
"script": "76a9144d1519b9ab1934c5818239464fb734854c3051b488ac"
"addr": "Bu6rsw6ineEDUuH1Ph5CRzVqTt7s3skgDq",
"amount": 3.56887937,
"script": "76a91415ab361a5c7df1f1f39f6b72caf81732f80e6aa788ac"
"addr": "C5urCiXUyAnsrnKf7RaB2oBpdKxo51Vkpc",
"amount": 19.45449593,
"script": "76a9148c3f74782fdc29a214dd1b6168033801e46d146388ac"
"addr": "CFhf3Pk3T3MhFvAidRZJ9cxkJ8DurLYmo1",
"amount": 16.87786971,
"script": "76a914f7a2679c125ae6d90da693dc5fb2b818f213116c88ac"
"addr": "CA9GaxxUuhexg2hv14Ws1wkvoxLmfqT7HY",
"amount": 313.71175499,
"script": "76a914baa9b852078d0528379e97798693d2a71676c8c088ac"
Here is the transaction
- Python's fastest available implementation (100x faster than closest library)
- Seamless integration with existing server setups
- Supports keys in cold storage
- Fully supports 25 different currencies
- First class support for storing data in the blockchain
- Deterministic signatures via RFC 6979
- Access to the blockchain through multiple APIs for redundancy
- Exchange rate API, with optional caching
- Optimal transaction fee API, with optional caching
- Compressed public keys by default
- Multiple representations of private keys; WIF, PEM, DER, etc.
- Standard P2PKH transactions
- Fully async
If you are intrigued, continue reading. If not, continue all the same!
Bit is distributed on PyPI as a universal wheel and is available on Linux/macOS
and Windows and supports Python 3.5+ and PyPy3.5-v5.7.1+. pip
>= 8.1.2 is required.
$ pip install git+
$ pip install aioufobit - soon
Docs are hosted by Github Pages and are automatically built and published
by Travis after every successful commit to UFOBit's master
- Logo courtesy of
- Gregory Maxwell (Bitcoin core dev) for teaching me a bit of ECC math
- arubi in #bitcoin for helping me understand transaction gotchas
- fuzeman for bestowing me the name
on the Python Package Index