Atorus clinical SAS Programming Macros
The repo consists of two sections: SAS Global and SAS Study-specific standard codes.
Global - are ones that set up the environment and/or can be used on any study without a need to modify them.
Study-specific - are intended to be copied to and live within a particular study (or protocol) area. It is expected they may need some modifications from study to study, and thus it is anticipated
they'll be used by one side only (production or validation).
Type | Name | Description |
General | xucont | Uploads the dataset and executes the contents procedure. |
General | xufmt | Uses a metadata file to create SAS formats. |
General | xuload | Uploads datasets to SAS working directory and removes formats/informats. |
General | xuloadcsv | Loads external data files in CSV format into one dataset in the Work directory. |
General | xumprint | Calls xuprogpath and does all setup for the program, including creating libnames and saving .log and .lst files on the server. |
General | xuprogpath | Creates global macro variables for the paths to the program and log files, and information about the task such as asset, protocol, task, level (development or final), subfolders, side (production or validation), type (SDTM, ADaM, TFL). |
General | xurnm | Renames all variables in the dataset. |
General | xusave | Applies the keep variables, sort order, dataset label, and saves the dataset permanently. |
SDTM | xcdtcdy | Takes two --DTC dates and calculates a study day (--DY) variable. |
SDTM | xucomm | Creates CO domain records from the dataset. |
SDTM | xuepoch | Derives EPOCH variable using the SE SDTM dataset. |
SDTM | xusupp | Creates and adds variables to SUPP-- domain. |
SDTM | xuvisit | Derives VISIT/VISITNUM variables. |
ADaM | xcdtc2dt | Converts character --DTC variable into numeric --DT --TM --DTM. Also calculates analysis --DY variables. |
ADaM | xtcore | Uses a metadata file to get the list of ADSL core variables, and then merges them from ADSL to the input dataset. |
ADaM | xumrgcs | Merges respective SUPP-- and CO records to the input SDTM dataset. |
General CDISC | xtmeta | Uses a metadata file to create a zero-record dataset with all needed variables from spec and their attributes, plus a macro variable with a list of variables to keep in the final dataset. |
General CDISC | xtorder | Uses a metadata file to create a macro variable with the sorting sequence for the dataset. |
General CDISC | xuct | Checks if a variable has only the values specified in the metadata file and checks values for compliance with CDISC Controlled terminology. |
General CDISC | xuseq | Creates --SEQ variable using the sorting sequence from the metadata file. |
General CDISC | xusplit | Splits long text variable into multiple shorter sub-variables. |
Displays | xdalign | Adds leading spaces to decimal-align variable values in data displays. |
Type | Name | Description |
Displays | jdtflstyle | A style template macro for study PDF/RTF outputs. Opens ODS PDF/RTF destination and creates PDF/RTF file. Also, creates global macro variables with timestamps. |
Displays | kdident | Split long text into several lines with indentation, if required. |
QC, Displays | kqtlfcomp | Nice and robust TFL datasets compare macro. |
QC, General CDISC | kqucomp | SDTM and ADaM datasets compare macro. |
General CDISC | kudlen | Set the variable length to the maximum length met for this variable within the dataset. |
Displays | kutitles | Macro which assigns titles according to the external TFL_titles.csv file. |
Displays | koutrtf | Macro which generates Table/Listing RTF out of the final dataset. |