iAtomSys is my reincarnation of the dead Crimson-RFASM project I worked on a while ago. It's an ecosystem of a custom stripped-back virtual machine with its own languages to program it. This project will, I hope, also act as a sort of portfolio going forward - something I can direct people towards to show my programming skill. It also has the benefit of (I think) just being a very interesting problem to work on.
- iAtomSys is fully my own - I intend to implement every feature myself, excluding some external libraries which I'll use for extra flair.
- This project is done only for my own growth and enjoyment - it does not aim to compete with any other language on the market. One reason for Crimson-RFASM's failure was my attempt to somehow compete with other 'commercial' programming languages.
- I will use multiple programming languages. Crimson-RFASM was implemented entirely in C#, but I intend to use a different language for each segment: partly to let me experiment with more languages, and partly to show more languages and paradigms in my ad-hoc portfolio.