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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 20, 2019. It is now read-only.

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🪲 Bug
:beetle: Bug
Topic contains incorrect content
Community Page
Community Page
Add to the Community Page.
:construction: WIP
Work-in-progress - HOLD REVIEW!
💎 New topic
:gem: New topic
New topic
✋ HOLD for RTM
:hand: HOLD for RTM
Do not merge the PR until RTM
✔️ Resolved by member
:heavy_check_mark: Resolved by member
The member resolved the issue
✖️ Duplicate
:heavy_multiplication_x: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✖️ Won't fix
:heavy_multiplication_x: Won't fix
This will not be worked on
💁 Discussion
:information_desk_person: Discussion
👉 Engineering
:point_right: Engineering
Directed to open issue with engineering
👉 External support
:point_right: External support
Directed to community for support
📌 P2
:pushpin: P2
Low priority
❓ Question
:question: Question
Further information is requested
🙋‍♀️ Up for grabs
:raising_hand_woman: Up for grabs
Unassigned issue
🚀 Enhancement
:rocket: Enhancement
Enhance the topic
🏃‍♂️ P0
:running_man: P0
High priority
🌱 Good first issue
:seedling: Good first issue
Good for newcomers
🛑 Blocked
:stop_sign: Blocked
This issue or pull request is blocked
🚶‍♂️ P1
:walking_man: P1
Normal priority