Terraform module to deploy Lambda Functions for Consul
This module
- Deploys a Lambda (consulRdsCreateService) within a VPC which adds RDS instances as Consul Services, the Lambda also populates the KV store with a some relvant data about the Databases.
- env to deploy in, i.e dev/staging/prodsubnets
- List of VPC Subnets IDs used to do lambdasrds_sg
- List of Security Groups ID's to use for consulRdsCreateService lambda
- List of VPC ID's the consulRdsCreateService lambda will attempt to discover RDS instances in. Defaults empty array
module "consul_lambdas" {
source = "../modules/terraform-aws-consul-lambda"
env = "${var.env}"
vpc_id = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"
subnets = "${module.vpc.private_subnets}"
rds_sg = "${list(module.vpc.default_security_group_id)}"
rds_vpc_ids = "${var.consul_lambdas_rds_vpc_ids}"