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Mediawiki deployment - Kubernetes, Kops, Terraform, AWS, Packer
IMP - After cloning this repo to the local machine run this command dos2unix <script_file1> <script_file2> ...
1. Create docker image - Since I already have created the Automated Build in Dockerhub account, so once it detects any commit in this repo build will automatically trigger to create latest mediwiki image with namespace/name:tag as kmlchauhan/mediawiki:latest.
a. Creating a new AMI to used by the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster - For this execute build-and-launch.sh script
b. The same script will also execute the create-kops-cluster.sh script which will do the following tasks -
- Create the A resord set for given DNS in AWS.
- Copy all the Kubernetes related config files and public key on S3 bucket.
- Create one folder and the terraform(.tf) file within that folder.
c. And then, the same script will initialize the terraform for the given provider(aws in this case) and then will apply(create) all the resources(total 35) from .tf file.
3. Then after close to 15 mins the complete infra will be up and running. You can check the nodes in the cluster using the command kubectl get nodes.
4. Once the cluster is up and running deploy the mediawiki.yaml file using command sudo kubectl create -f mediawiki.yaml