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235 lines (200 loc) · 13.1 KB

Quick summary

Instruction General theme Writemask Optional special features
fma64 (63=0)
fma32 (63=0)
fma16 (63=0)
z[j][i] += x[i] * y[j] 7 bit X, 7 bit Y X/Y/Z input disable
fma64 (63=1)
fma32 (63=1)
fma16 (63=1)
z[_][i] += x[i] * y[i] 7 bit X/Y/Z input disable

Instruction encoding

Bit Width Meaning Notes
10 22 A64 reserved instruction Must be 0x201000 >> 10
5 5 Instruction 10 for fma64
12 for fma32
15 for fma16
0 5 5-bit GPR index See below for the meaning of the 64 bits in the GPR

Operand bitfields

Bit Width Meaning Notes
63 1 Vector mode (1) or matrix mode (0)
62 1 Z is f32 (1) or Z is instruction width (0) Only used by fma16 in matrix mode, ignored otherwise
61 1 X is f16 (1) or X is instruction width (0) Only used by fma32, ignored otherwise
60 1 Y is f16 (1) or Y is instruction width (0) Only used by fma32, ignored otherwise
48 12 Ignored
46 2 X enable mode
41 5 X enable value Meaning dependent upon associated mode
39 2 Ignored
37 2 Y enable mode Ignored in vector mode
32 5 Y enable value Ignored in vector mode
Meaning dependent upon associated mode
30 2 Ignored
29 1 Skip X input (1) or use X input (0)
28 1 Skip Y input (1) or use Y input (0)
27 1 Skip Z input (1) or use Z input (0)
26 1 Ignored
20 6 Z row High bits ignored in matrix mode
19 1 Ignored
10 9 X offset (in bytes)
9 1 Ignored
0 9 Y offset (in bytes)

Combinations of bits 27-29 result in various floating-point ALU operations:

Operation 29 (X) 28 (Y) 27 (Z)
x*y+z 0 0 0
x*y   0 0 1
x  +z 0 1 0
x     0 1 1
  y+z 1 0 0
  y   1 0 1
    z 1 1 0
0 1 1 1

Combinations of the instruction and bits 60-63 result in various widths for X / Y / Z:

Mode X Y Z 63 (M) 62 (Z) 61 (X) 60 (Y) Op
Matrix f16 f16 f16 (one row from each two) 0 0 fma16
Matrix f16 f16 f32 (all rows, interleaved pairs) 0 1 fma16
Matrix f32 f32 f32 (one row from each four) 0 0 0 fma32
Matrix f32 f16 (even lanes) f32 (one row from each four) 0 0 1 fma32
Matrix f16 (even lanes) f32 f32 (one row from each four) 0 1 0 fma32
Matrix f16 (even lanes) f16 (even lanes) f32 (one row from each four) 0 1 1 fma32
Matrix f64 f64 f64 (one row from each eight) 0 fma64
Vector f16 f16 f16 (one row) 1 fma16
Vector f32 f32 f32 (one row) 1 0 0 fma32
Vector f32 f16 (even lanes) f32 (one row) 1 0 1 fma32
Vector f16 (even lanes) f32 f32 (one row) 1 1 0 fma32
Vector f16 (even lanes) f16 (even lanes) f32 (one row) 1 1 1 fma32
Vector f64 f64 f64 (one row) 1 fma64

X/Y enable modes:

Mode Meaning of value (N)
0 Enable all lanes (0), or odd lanes only (1), or even lanes only (2), or no lanes (anything else)
1 Only enable lane #N
2 Only enable the first N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero
3 Only enable the last N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero


In vector mode, performs a pointwise fused-multiply-add (or simplification thereof) operation between an X vector, a Y vector, and a Z vector, accumulating onto the Z vector. All three vectors have the same element type, either f16 or f32 or f64. Alternatively, when Z has type f32, X or Y (or both) can have type f16, though only the even lanes are used.

In matrix mode, performs a fused-multiply-add (or simplification thereof) outer-product between an X vector, a Y vector, and a 2D grid of Z values, accumulating onto Z. All three of X and Y and Z have the same element type, either f16 or f32 or f64. Alternatively, when Z has type f32, X or Y (or both) can have type f16, though only the even lanes are used. As a final alternative, when Z has type f32 and both X/Y have type f16, then all lanes of X and Y can be used in combination with the entire 64x64 byte grid of Z, with even lanes of X going into even Z registers and odd lanes of X going into odd Z registers (see Mixed lane widths).

Emulation code

See fma.c. Note the code in test.c to set the DN bit of fpcr.

A representative sample is:

void emulate_AMX_FMA64(amx_state* state, uint64_t operand) {
    uint64_t y_offset = operand & 0x1FF;
    uint64_t x_offset = (operand >> 10) & 0x1FF;
    uint64_t z_row = (operand >> 20) & 63;
    uint64_t x_enable = parse_writemask(operand >> 41, 8, 7);
    uint64_t y_enable = parse_writemask(operand >> 32, 8, 7);

    double x[8];
    double y[8];
    load_xy_reg(x, state->x, x_offset);
    load_xy_reg(y, state->y, y_offset);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        if (!((x_enable >> (i * 8)) & 1)) continue;
        if (operand & FMA_VECTOR_PRODUCT) {
            double* z = &state->z[z_row].f64[i];
            *z = fma64_alu(x[i], y[i], *z, operand);
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                if (!((y_enable >> (j * 8)) & 1)) continue;
                double* z = &state->z[(j * 8) + (z_row & 7)].f64[i];
                *z = fma64_alu(x[i], y[j], *z, operand);

double fma64_alu(double x, double y, double z, uint64_t operand) {
    switch ((operand >> 27) & 7) {
    case 1: return x * y;
    case 2: return z + x;
    case 3: return x;
    case 4: return z + y;
    case 5: return y;
    case 6: return z;
    case 7: return 0.;
    double result;
    __asm("fmadd %d0, %d1, %d2, %d3" : "=w"(result) : "w"(x), "w"(y), "w"(z));
    return result;

Performance (M1 Max)

Note that a fused-multiply-add counts as two floating-point operations. A measurement of 1.0 GFLOPS would mean 109 floating-point operations per second. The measurements are done without any load or store instructions; real-world workloads will need loads and stores, and thus will achieve lower numbers.

fma16 in matrix mode, each Z accumulator being f16[32][32]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 1453.0 GFLOPS 2958.4 GFLOPS 2705.5 GFLOPS 3553.5 GFLOPS 4609.2 GFLOPS 5268.5 GFLOPS
2 per thread 2958.9 GFLOPS 5915.7 GFLOPS 4862.3 GFLOPS 5355.6 GFLOPS 5546.6 GFLOPS 6263.4 GFLOPS

fma16 in matrix mode, each Z accumulator being f32[32][32]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 1459.7 GFLOPS 2948.3 GFLOPS 2842.5 GFLOPS 2626.4 GFLOPS 2892.2 GFLOPS 2909.9 GFLOPS

fma32 in matrix mode, each Z accumulator being f32[16][16]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 367.6 GFLOPS 739.1 GFLOPS 866.1 GFLOPS 1108.5 GFLOPS 1388.4 GFLOPS 1512.4 GFLOPS
2 per thread 736.4 GFLOPS 1478.1 GFLOPS 1335.4 GFLOPS 1796.2 GFLOPS 2606.3 GFLOPS 2470.7 GFLOPS
3 per thread 1108.4 GFLOPS 2217.9 GFLOPS 1878.5 GFLOPS 2507.2 GFLOPS 2564.2 GFLOPS 2798.4 GFLOPS
4 per thread 1475.0 GFLOPS 2956.7 GFLOPS 2429.8 GFLOPS 3077.4 GFLOPS 2894.6 GFLOPS 3118.7 GFLOPS

fma64 in matrix mode, each Z accumulator being f64[8][8]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 92.1 GFLOPS 184.3 GFLOPS 214.9 GFLOPS 311.7 GFLOPS 416.9 GFLOPS 381.8 GFLOPS
2 per thread 183.6 GFLOPS 366.6 GFLOPS 369.3 GFLOPS 516.6 GFLOPS 697.7 GFLOPS 641.6 GFLOPS
3 per thread 275.6 GFLOPS 553.5 GFLOPS 548.2 GFLOPS 650.5 GFLOPS 768.4 GFLOPS 758.4 GFLOPS
4 per thread 369.1 GFLOPS 738.1 GFLOPS 603.6 GFLOPS 706.5 GFLOPS 780.0 GFLOPS 756.3 GFLOPS
5 per thread 368.4 GFLOPS 736.8 GFLOPS 604.6 GFLOPS 725.2 GFLOPS 777.6 GFLOPS 797.7 GFLOPS
6 per thread 368.6 GFLOPS 738.5 GFLOPS 603.6 GFLOPS 689.8 GFLOPS 775.0 GFLOPS 776.6 GFLOPS
7 per thread 368.4 GFLOPS 738.0 GFLOPS 604.5 GFLOPS 713.3 GFLOPS 792.6 GFLOPS 739.2 GFLOPS
8 per thread 369.2 GFLOPS 739.5 GFLOPS 602.7 GFLOPS 733.3 GFLOPS 742.5 GFLOPS 768.9 GFLOPS

fma16 in vector mode, each Z accumulator being f16[32]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 45.8 GFLOPS 92.6 GFLOPS 105.2 GFLOPS 141.2 GFLOPS 173.0 GFLOPS 226.9 GFLOPS
2 per thread 90.6 GFLOPS 181.0 GFLOPS 199.6 GFLOPS 276.9 GFLOPS 335.5 GFLOPS 352.0 GFLOPS
3 per thread 138.8 GFLOPS 276.9 GFLOPS 330.9 GFLOPS 381.4 GFLOPS 463.1 GFLOPS 453.1 GFLOPS
4 per thread 184.7 GFLOPS 366.0 GFLOPS 428.0 GFLOPS 514.6 GFLOPS 649.0 GFLOPS 574.5 GFLOPS
5 per thread 230.9 GFLOPS 462.5 GFLOPS 469.5 GFLOPS 629.4 GFLOPS 671.7 GFLOPS 683.1 GFLOPS
6 per thread 271.3 GFLOPS 553.7 GFLOPS 536.7 GFLOPS 713.7 GFLOPS 765.5 GFLOPS 768.7 GFLOPS
7 per thread 322.7 GFLOPS 647.3 GFLOPS 597.3 GFLOPS 762.7 GFLOPS 768.0 GFLOPS 738.8 GFLOPS
8 per thread 366.7 GFLOPS 729.0 GFLOPS 655.7 GFLOPS 760.8 GFLOPS 742.7 GFLOPS 806.2 GFLOPS
9 per thread 342.6 GFLOPS 688.9 GFLOPS 622.8 GFLOPS 742.7 GFLOPS 750.7 GFLOPS 802.1 GFLOPS
10 per thread 362.7 GFLOPS 716.3 GFLOPS 642.6 GFLOPS 785.9 GFLOPS 768.7 GFLOPS 793.7 GFLOPS
11 per thread 358.3 GFLOPS 716.1 GFLOPS 660.6 GFLOPS 798.9 GFLOPS 798.8 GFLOPS 822.2 GFLOPS
12 per thread 361.7 GFLOPS 730.8 GFLOPS 662.4 GFLOPS 783.0 GFLOPS 752.6 GFLOPS 823.2 GFLOPS
13 per thread 368.3 GFLOPS 735.9 GFLOPS 669.9 GFLOPS 804.4 GFLOPS 794.5 GFLOPS 778.2 GFLOPS
14 per thread 367.6 GFLOPS 733.3 GFLOPS 653.3 GFLOPS 802.9 GFLOPS 781.6 GFLOPS 790.2 GFLOPS
15 per thread 360.2 GFLOPS 725.4 GFLOPS 661.7 GFLOPS 785.4 GFLOPS 759.2 GFLOPS 822.9 GFLOPS
16 per thread 370.6 GFLOPS 733.4 GFLOPS 674.5 GFLOPS 797.6 GFLOPS 805.8 GFLOPS 818.7 GFLOPS

fma32 in vector mode, each Z accumulator being f32[16]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 23.0 GFLOPS 46.3 GFLOPS 53.2 GFLOPS 70.8 GFLOPS 88.1 GFLOPS 104.5 GFLOPS
2 per thread 46.3 GFLOPS 92.4 GFLOPS 106.1 GFLOPS 134.2 GFLOPS 188.9 GFLOPS 178.0 GFLOPS
3 per thread 68.7 GFLOPS 137.5 GFLOPS 153.6 GFLOPS 199.1 GFLOPS 239.1 GFLOPS 255.8 GFLOPS
4 per thread 92.5 GFLOPS 184.4 GFLOPS 196.8 GFLOPS 264.6 GFLOPS 285.1 GFLOPS 282.8 GFLOPS
5 per thread 114.9 GFLOPS 230.0 GFLOPS 225.3 GFLOPS 299.6 GFLOPS 354.0 GFLOPS 367.2 GFLOPS
6 per thread 134.3 GFLOPS 276.0 GFLOPS 257.3 GFLOPS 344.1 GFLOPS 399.2 GFLOPS 380.9 GFLOPS
7 per thread 161.3 GFLOPS 322.7 GFLOPS 297.6 GFLOPS 372.5 GFLOPS 389.1 GFLOPS 401.8 GFLOPS
8 per thread 183.1 GFLOPS 370.2 GFLOPS 331.2 GFLOPS 381.4 GFLOPS 393.3 GFLOPS 389.6 GFLOPS
9 per thread 170.6 GFLOPS 351.8 GFLOPS 323.3 GFLOPS 390.9 GFLOPS 395.6 GFLOPS 410.6 GFLOPS
10 per thread 180.7 GFLOPS 357.5 GFLOPS 328.3 GFLOPS 395.6 GFLOPS 397.2 GFLOPS 399.6 GFLOPS
11 per thread 185.0 GFLOPS 366.8 GFLOPS 330.3 GFLOPS 400.0 GFLOPS 399.6 GFLOPS 385.4 GFLOPS
12 per thread 183.2 GFLOPS 369.7 GFLOPS 332.3 GFLOPS 399.2 GFLOPS 379.9 GFLOPS 403.0 GFLOPS
13 per thread 184.1 GFLOPS 370.0 GFLOPS 401.0 GFLOPS 389.6 GFLOPS 383.9 GFLOPS 408.4 GFLOPS
14 per thread 184.3 GFLOPS 368.2 GFLOPS 326.5 GFLOPS 400.6 GFLOPS 394.8 GFLOPS 406.5 GFLOPS
15 per thread 181.8 GFLOPS 369.4 GFLOPS 335.7 GFLOPS 404.6 GFLOPS 404.5 GFLOPS 397.5 GFLOPS
16 per thread 183.0 GFLOPS 368.0 GFLOPS 334.9 GFLOPS 402.2 GFLOPS 399.4 GFLOPS 393.5 GFLOPS

fma64 in vector mode, each Z accumulator being f64[8]:

Z Accumulators 1 Thread 2 Threads 3 Threads 4 Threads 5 Threads 6 Threads
1 per thread 11.5 GFLOPS 23.1 GFLOPS 26.7 GFLOPS 35.9 GFLOPS 44.2 GFLOPS 48.7 GFLOPS
2 per thread 23.2 GFLOPS 46.3 GFLOPS 53.4 GFLOPS 70.5 GFLOPS 89.5 GFLOPS 102.6 GFLOPS
3 per thread 34.7 GFLOPS 69.5 GFLOPS 79.9 GFLOPS 104.6 GFLOPS 120.6 GFLOPS 108.4 GFLOPS
4 per thread 45.8 GFLOPS 92.4 GFLOPS 104.3 GFLOPS 127.4 GFLOPS 156.8 GFLOPS 146.7 GFLOPS
5 per thread 57.5 GFLOPS 114.7 GFLOPS 119.6 GFLOPS 159.0 GFLOPS 180.2 GFLOPS 172.7 GFLOPS
6 per thread 69.2 GFLOPS 138.7 GFLOPS 135.7 GFLOPS 179.9 GFLOPS 188.9 GFLOPS 200.9 GFLOPS
7 per thread 80.9 GFLOPS 159.8 GFLOPS 151.4 GFLOPS 181.4 GFLOPS 197.2 GFLOPS 199.8 GFLOPS
8 per thread 91.7 GFLOPS 183.5 GFLOPS 170.0 GFLOPS 199.0 GFLOPS 209.2 GFLOPS 196.0 GFLOPS
9 per thread 85.3 GFLOPS 169.9 GFLOPS 159.9 GFLOPS 198.0 GFLOPS 199.3 GFLOPS 202.9 GFLOPS
10 per thread 91.2 GFLOPS 180.4 GFLOPS 165.2 GFLOPS 199.5 GFLOPS 198.6 GFLOPS 206.1 GFLOPS
11 per thread 92.1 GFLOPS 184.1 GFLOPS 167.1 GFLOPS 200.7 GFLOPS 200.7 GFLOPS 198.6 GFLOPS
12 per thread 92.5 GFLOPS 185.1 GFLOPS 168.8 GFLOPS 198.5 GFLOPS 201.3 GFLOPS 203.1 GFLOPS
13 per thread 92.3 GFLOPS 183.2 GFLOPS 168.5 GFLOPS 200.6 GFLOPS 201.4 GFLOPS 208.8 GFLOPS
14 per thread 92.7 GFLOPS 185.1 GFLOPS 199.0 GFLOPS 201.3 GFLOPS 200.4 GFLOPS 209.8 GFLOPS
15 per thread 92.6 GFLOPS 184.8 GFLOPS 168.2 GFLOPS 201.7 GFLOPS 200.1 GFLOPS 208.0 GFLOPS
16 per thread 92.2 GFLOPS 185.1 GFLOPS 168.1 GFLOPS 202.2 GFLOPS 201.3 GFLOPS 205.3 GFLOPS