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Marco S. Nobile edited this page May 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

This page collects a list of possible pitfalls in the use of FST-PSO. If you cannot find your issue in this list, please write an e-mail to: [email protected].

  • My code crashes by saying "ImportError: No module names fcl.Reader"
    Solution: install the ANTLR3 python runtime.
    Explanation: this problem was due to missing ANTLR3 python runtime using versions of FST-PSO older than 1.4.0. Please update your FST-PSO installation.

  • My code crashes by saying "ERROR: the specified function does not seem to implement a correct fitness function"
    Solution: check the correctness of the fitness function passed to the set_fitness() method.
    Explanation: the fitness function must accept a vector of real values as input argument, and return a single real value as output. If you are sure that your fitness function is correct, please check that it has no bugs. You can also disable the correctness check by passing the optional argument skip_test=True to set_fitness().

FST-PSO uses fuzzy logic to dynamically adapt the social factor, cognitive factor, inertia weight, maximum velocity, and minimum velocity of all particles

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