Releases: areguera/terraform-aws-ssm
Releases · areguera/terraform-aws-ssm
Update module documentation
Previously, there was no module documentation visible in site. This update changes the
files to provide the module documentation.
v0.0.1: Implement automation tasks (#1)
- Update documentation and resources. - Remove unused resource group. - Use string for max concurrency and errors variables. - Both max_concurrency and max_errors variables can accept values in the form of "10%" which coudn't be passed being of type number. This update changes the variable type from number to string so percent values can be passed to them. - Update resources and auxiliary files - Previously, the SSM document considered both one file and one directory as SourceInfo. Now, only the `ansible' directory is accepted, the directory structure where ansible playbooks are stored. - Previously, it was possible to execute one single playbook (when a file was specified) or many (when a directory was specified). This update changes the `documents/ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks.json` file to run all playbooks in the ansible directory structure, in alphabetic order. The possibility of running playbooks individually was removed to simplify the document's integration. - Ansible playbooks and roles were added to examples/simple/ansible directory structure to illustrate the configuration required for the module to work. In this particular case, playbooks install the httpd web server and configure it to print a `Hello, World!` message, then test the output. This hopefully illustrates the configuration and testing process required both before and after automatic patching. - Update maintenance window schedule to specify not just the day recurrence but the exact hour where it happens. - Remove duplicated task from maintenance window. - The installation of ansible is already considered in the documents/ApplyAnsiblePlaybook.json document. No need to have it duplicated here. Further software installation and configuration could be done using playbooks in ansible directory structure. - Update approval rules and approved patches