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🪛 Arco Script
🪛 Arco Script
Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Something isn't working
⚙️ CI/CD
⚙️ CI/CD
Automation of build, test, and deployment workflows
💬 Discussion
💬 Discussion
Some problems have not come to a definite conclusion
📖 Docs
📖 Docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
🔄 Duplicate
🔄 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
💪🏻 Enhancement
💪🏻 Enhancement
feature enhancement
✨ Feature Request
✨ Feature Request
New feature or request
💡Good first issue
💡Good first issue
Good for newcomers
has: PR
has: PR
Has pull request
has: RFC
has: RFC
Has request for comment
🙏 Help wanted
🙏 Help wanted
Extra attention is needed, we need you to help us by sending a pull request.
🏃🏻 In progress
🏃🏻 In progress
This will be added in the future
💤 Inactive
💤 Inactive
Inactive issues
🙅 Invalid
🙅 Invalid
This doesn't seem right
🎨 Need design
🎨 Need design
Need design UI or UX
📄 Need more info
📄 Need more info
Need more info
Optimization related, such as improving performance and experience
❤️ PR Welcome
❤️ PR Welcome
🤔 Question
🤔 Question
Further information is requested
♻️ Refactor
♻️ Refactor
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
🔮 Style
🔮 Style
Something about component style
📚 Typescript
📚 Typescript
Typescript modify
❌ Wontfix
❌ Wontfix
This will not be worked on