Currently, this project is a very simple voting / project proposal dapp with barebone functionalities implemented. The long-term vision is to build an analysis pipeline that can characterize the consensus behavior of the community by treating each person's voting history as time-series data (e.g. with enough voting history accumulated, computing covariance matrix between users' voting history)
- Users can propose projects (in text) (there is a limit for the number of projects that can be proposed per-person)
- Users can only vote once for each suggested project
- For each vote, users can cast 3 options : 1. Like, 2. dislike, 3. indifferent/unsure (e.g. didn't understand the proposal)
- The owner of the contract can change the limit for per-person proposable number of projects.
Public interface (front-end) (github pages):
Deployed testnet : This project is currently deployed to Ropsten network (please check 'deployed_address.txt')
- Install Node.js, version used in this project = 14.18.1
- Install Truffle suite
npm install -g truffle
- Install Ganache-cli
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Install Metamask
This project follows the default truffle project directory structure (the project was initialized with the command "truffle unbox react") 'client' folder has the frontend scripts.
- git clone this project
- (Smart contract side) from the root of this project, type
npm install
- (frontend) move to the 'client' directory and run install command
cd client
npm install
- open a new terminal and spin up ganache (local ganache blockchain should use the port : 8545)
- To run the test script, move back to the root of the project and type
truffle test
- (for local deployment and frontend testing): open a terminal and start ganache :
in a separate terminal, deploy contracts to the local network (ganache) :
truffle migrate --network local
open a third terminal, boot up the frontend:
cd client
npm start
Built on top of the front-end design of :
For the general project structure :