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Just API or client SDK to help developers with API adoption

Dmitry Pavlov edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 9 revisions


  • Glenn Block
  • Sergey Lyubimov

Attendees (add your name here)

  • Darrel Miller
  • Jorn Wildt
  • Markus Lanthaler
  • Kevin Swiber
  • Mehdi Medjaoui
  • Mike Kelly
  • Kristopher Kleva
  • Carl Zetie
  • Dmitry Pavlov


Q: The desire for SDKs, is it a symptom of bad APIs?


  • More language idiomatic / familiar to traditional developers.
  • Makes it easier for developers to just get shit done / simplifies working with the API. Don't have to educate all developers on HTTP.
  • Abstracts away / can insulate from changes to the API.


  • Versioning explosion / you now have two versions, the API and the SDK.
  • More work / maintainability of the SDK code itself
  • Can encourage bad usage patterns.
  • May not surface all of the features of the API.
  • Can get stale
  • Can be used as an excuse for poor API design / to hide the API under the covers.
  • Doesn't teach developers how the API / HTTP actually works.


  • Consider a Hybrid SDK / meaning helper libraries to be used with an Http Client instead of a full wrapper.
  • Release test code to educate how to use the API.
  • Have an API console
  • Educate!

General SDK tips

  • Don't make your SDK lipstick on a pig. The HTTP API must still be a good experience.
  • SDK Team should be involved with API development
  • Try to reuse existing media types / Leverage existing libraries.
  • Build SDKs in a stateless manner / closer to the underlying API.

Building SDKs that are good HTTP citizens

  • Can we build SDK clients that are less prone to break?
  • Tip: Don't hard code the URIs / have the API surface a discovery document like a Home document that the SDK uses.
  • Tip: Expose action methods in the SDK for Hypermedia links. Under the hood the code will look for links in the response / and either follow it, or throw an exception if the link is not present.


  • Should SDKs be crowd sourced, can that work?
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