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Hypermedia: Why Y'all Hatin'?

Anallely Olivares edited this page Aug 3, 2014 · 9 revisions


Kevin Swiber (@kevinswiber)

Notes courtesy of Kevin O'Hara (@kevinohara80).


(many: please add yourself)

  • Kris Kleva - @klevland
  • Jeffrey Pryciak - @DRogueDeveloper
  • Lou Schilling - @lschill



  • Bandwidth problems and payload sizes
  • Mobile apps - round trips can cause bad UX
  • It's more work - there should be tools
  • Can't reduce clients from breaking
  • Hypermedia is not unbreakable
  • Linking is useful, what about the rest
  • More complicated
  • Problems it solves aren't my problems
  • PR problems, maybe hypermedia is bad for name
  • Not many good examples
  • Nobody can explain it in a short, concise manner
  • Still too many cases where hypermedia can break
  • Changing links is the only consistent benefit
  • The big guys aren't using it (google, etc)
  • The possibilities are kind of intimidating


  • Caching fixes responses
  • Design should avoid traversal, things are one step away
    • Analogy with UX: Reduce number of clicks to achieve the wished action
  • Design so that you give them menus vs recipes.
  • Hypermedia makes it ok to not build your API 100% correctly the first time
  • Stop trying to explain what hypermedia is to everyone. Most don't care.
  • There needs to be a client education piece to this to teach how to leverage a hypermedia API
  • People don't read docs. Media types help provide the information.
  • Talk to the CEO about at problems you'll solve, not about hypermedia itself


  • Should start being upfront that we're pioneers and this shit is risky
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