The purpose of this repository is to evaluate Github's merge queue feature in the context of an Apache project.
See for additional context.
Follow the instructions here to install smee
We need a Python virtualenv for running a local server.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Download the quart framework and install it into the virtualenv we just made.
Now, we can start the SMEE client to start receiving events from GitHub.
smee -u -t http://localhost:3000/webhook
This will receive events from the SMEE proxy which this repository is sending its webhooks to. The events will be forwarded to a local server listening on 3000
Start the Python webhook receiver on 3000 to receive the forwarded events.
Generate some events in this repository (open pull request, merge pull request, etc)
Three event payloads are included in this repo. This can be used to simulate webhooks coming from GitHub.
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/webhook \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Github-Event: pull_request" \
--data-binary "@webhook-payloads/pull_request_dequeued.json"
The three JSON payloads located in webhook-payloads require a cooresponding X-Github-Event
- pull_request_dequeued:
X-Github-Event: pull_request
- pull_request_enqueued:
X-Github-Event: pull_request
- merge_group:
X-Github-Event: merge_group