Light & non-intrusive Wordpress plugin providing a shortcode to display an AJAX subscribe form to Mailchimp.
## Installation Extract the directory 'mailchimp-subscribe-ajax' in /wp-content/plugins Activate the plugin in wp-admin
Put this code in any Wordpress template: [MailchimpSubscribeAjax form_url='//']
Replace the URL with your Mailchimp subscribe URL.
This URL can be found on Mailchimp website -> lists -> signup forms -> embedded forms (html) -> the subscribe URL is the form action in the generated HTML code
Optional: You can customize labels and messages with the following options:
[MailchimpSubscribeAjax form_url=''
placeholder='Votre adresse e-mail'
submit='S\'inscrire à la newsletter'
msg_email_invalid='Veuillez saisir une adresse email valide'
msg_subscribe_ok='Merci, vous allez recevoir un mail de confirmation'
msg_subscribe_error='Une erreur s\'est produite']
Subscribe form
Subscribe confirmation