- A linked list is a linear data structure
- In linked list, elements are not stored in continous manner
- The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Dynamic nature in respect of size
- Doing operations like updation/insertion/deletion are easy in linked list
- Random access is not allowed.
- Extra memory space for a pointer is required.
- struct node
- {
- int data;
- struct node *next;
- };
- Linked list is made of nodes connected to each other
- And Nodes consists of two blocks namely
- Data
- Pointer(also called 'next' while programming)
- Data refers to the value at the data block of node
- Pointer points to the next node in order to link every node with each other
- Count Node Of Linked List
- Linked List Length Even or Odd
- Reverse a Linked List
- learned the opertions performed on linked list insertion/deletion/updation
- Print linked list elements
- Delete alternate node
- Check if circular linked list
Linked list start from creating the linked list to operations performed on linked list(Singly Linked List)
- Creating Linked List
- Displaying Linked List
- Insertion at first
- Insertion at last
- Insertion in between
- Deletion at first
- Deletion at last
- Deletion in between
- Count nodes
- Remove duplicates
+ A basic funda to find the GCD
+ Extended Euclidean algorithm also finds integer coefficients x and y
- Will practice some more questions in order to grasp the concept totally
+ The sieve of Eratosthenes is one of the most efficient ways to<br> find all primes smaller than n when n is smaller than 10 million
- Multiply array elements
- Sum of array
- Balanced array
- Count the zeros
- Minimum number to form the sum even
- Number of occuerences
- Check set Bits
- How many X's
- Sorted matrix
- Equilibrium index of an array
- Rotate by 90 Degree
- Swapping Pair make sum equal
- Maximum and Minimum Of Array Elements
- Anagram of String
- Bubble Sort
- Children Sum Parent
- Sum of all substrings of a number
- Count the zeros
- Factorials of large numbers
- Star Elements
- Remove Character
- Repetitive Addition of digits
- Student Record
- URLify a given string
- Reach a given score
- Finding position
- Evaluate postfix expression
- Decode the pattern
- Count number of Hops
- Binary Array Sorting
- CamelCase Pattern Matching
- Drive the car
- Knight Walk
- Fill array with 1's
- Reorganize the array
- You and your books
- Check if linked list is palindrome
- Find the highest number
- Good or Bad String
- Chocolate Station
- Find the length of loop
- Find the maximum number of handshakes
- Two mirror trees
- Determine if two trees are identical
- Extract Maximum
- Roman Number To Integer
- Meta String
- K - Palindrome
- Element with left side smaller and right side greater