A command line tool for switching display modes on OS X
resolution-cli: Change the screen resolution on OS X
Usage: resolution-cli <command> [<argument> [<argument>]]
list the available resolutions
set [<display-index>] <resolution>
set the resolution. If no display-index is specified, set the main display resolution
<resolution> can be specified in several ways, and an underscore can be used
anywhere a number might be used meaning 'match anything' in a search from highest-
resolution to lowest resolution.
Examples for <resolution>:
1920x1080@32h = display mode size 1920x1080, 32 bit colour, HiDPI
2560 = first mode with 2560 width
1920x1080 = first mode with size 1920x1080
_x900 = first mode with height 900
_x_@16 = first mode with 16-bit colour
h = first HiDPI mode
_ = Highest resolution mode -- often the default
The details of the private CGS* display functions to detect and change resolutions were originally worked out by Robbert Klarenbeek, and used in his excellent ResolutionMenu.