CL Selenium WebDriver is a binding library to the Selenium 2.0
This software is in development. The APIs will be likely to change.
;; see examples/*.lisp and t/*.lisp
(in-package :cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload :cl-selenium))
(defpackage go-test
(:use :cl :cl-selenium))
(in-package :go-test)
(defparameter *code* "
package main
import \"fmt\"
func main() {
fmt.Print(\"Hello WebDriver!\")
(with-session ()
(setf (url) "")
(let ((elem (find-element "#code" :by :css-selector)))
(element-clear elem)
(element-send-keys elem *code*))
(let ((btn (find-element "#run")))
(element-click btn))
with div = (find-element "#output")
for ouput = (element-text div)
while (equal ouput "Waiting for remote server...")
do (sleep 0.1)
finally (print ouput)))
git clone ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
(ql:quickload :cl-selenium)
You need a running instance of selenium-server-standalone.
Download it and run:
curl -L0 -o selenium-server-standalone.jar
java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar
There is a :cl-selenium-utils
package which should reduce boilerplate. For example:
(defpackage my-test
(:use :cl :cl-selenium)
(:import-from :cl-selenium-utils
(in-package :my-test)
(with-session ()
(setf (url) "")
(send-keys "cl-selenium-webdriver")
(click "[name=btnK]")
(wait-for "#resultStats"))
You can just start the session and control it from your repl:
(in-package :my-test)
(setf (url) "")
(send-keys "cl-selenium-webdriver")
(send-keys (key :enter))
(classlist "#slim_appbar") ; prints ("ab_tnav_wrp")
If utility function needs an element to work on it defaults to (active-element)
(click) ; click on the current active element.
You can also pass a css selector as a last parameter.
(print (id "#submit")) ; print id the of matched element
(assert (= (first (classlist "div")) "first-div-ever"))
To change default element you can:
(setf cl-selenium-utils:*default-element-func* (lambda () (find-element "input[type=submit]"))
Often you need to wait for some action to be done. For example if you
do a (click)
on the button to load search results, you need to wait
them to load.
(wait-for ".search-result" :timeout 10) ; wait 10 seconds
Timeout defaults to 30 seconds. You can globally change it:
(setf cl-selenium-utils:*timeout* 3)
(ql:quickload '(:cl-selenium :prove))
(setf prove:*enable-colors* nil)
(prove:run :cl-selenium-test)
Licensed under the MIT License.