This project is a part of the ReactJS course from Rocketseat.
The routes provide by this API allow a application of a store to handle with orders and check the finance result with metrics. This API doesn't have a route to create orders, there is fake data is provided to test this back-end and a manager account is created with the email:
- Register a store.
- Login with magic link (the link will be sent to console.log).
- Update store profile.
- Orders List.
- Orders details.
- Change order status.
- Total revenue by period.
- Total revenue on the current month and a comparison with previous month.
- Total orders on current day and a comparison with previous day.
- Total orders on the current month and a comparison with previous month.
- Total revenue on the current month and a comparison with previous month.
- Total orders canceled on the current month and a comparison with previous month.
- Most popular products.
git clone
bun install
docker compose up -d
bun migrate
bun seed
bun dev
"email": "[email protected]"
The authenticate link is sent to console.log and a cookie will be available.
"id": "x5wp1fb1uud0z04gniqra4wi",
"name": "User name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": null,
"role": "manager",
"createdAt": "2024-08-08T21:13:28.749Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-08T21:13:28.749Z"
"restaurantName": "Store name",
"managerName": "Manager name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "987654321"
"name": "Store name",
"description": "Store description"
"id": "ubp1v6dzg9kmjkhmcptwxd8i",
"name": "Store name",
"description": "Store description",
"managerId": "x5wp1fb1uud0z04gniqra4wi",
"createdAt": "2024-08-08T21:13:28.754Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-08T21:13:28.754Z"
get orders with query, a max of 10 orders per page.
name: orderId
value: e9ecfsk65bak2tztnnmwdhdc
name: customerName
value: Name example
name: status
value: pending | processing | delivering | delivered | canceled
name: pageIndex
value: 1
"id": "l31t4onrliipwkkx5hpcqtns",
"status": "processing",
"totalInCents": 235,
"createdAt": "2024-08-07T23:01:15.324Z",
"customer": {
"name": "Name example",
"phone": null,
"email": "[email protected]"
"ordersItems": [
"id": "pxq96pfk0mu9gb9id56ha02i",
"priceInCents": 235,
"quantity": 1,
"product": {
"name": "Example"
Update order status.