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tiny, simple, embeddable aggregating promethus and stackdriver stats gateway

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prom-pushgateway is a tiny, low overhead embeddable nodejs nanoservice. It can be included in other apps to expose a Prometheus compatible metrics endpoint, or can run standalone to provide an independent, Prometheus scrapable, legacy Stackdriver compatible metrics push endpoint.

Accepts stats from an app and presents them to be scraped by Prometheus. Same-named stats are subsampled (averaged), which allows stats to be gathered more frequently than the scrape interval, and simplifies stats reporting from multi-threaded apps.

Also implements a compatible push endpoint to simplify the upload of legacy Stackdriver metrics to Prometheus.

The HELP and TYPE metrics attributes are remembered and associated with their metrics; untyped metrics are reported as gauges. Use /push or gateway.ingestMetrics() to set typing information with comment lines # TYPE <name> <type>\n.



Simple way to export both prometheus default metrics and custom metrics from the current process, scrapable on port 39110 with an http GET request:

const promClient = require('prom-client');

const gw = require('prom-pushgateway').createServer({
    port: 39110,
    // include latest prom-client metrics in every /metrics report
    readPromMetrics: () => promClient.register.metrics()
}, (err) => {
    // listening for /metrics requests

    // add custom metrics to the /metrics report
    "my_metric_a 1\n" +
    "my_metric_b 2\n"
), (err) => {
    // metrics will be part of the next /metrics report


The current process can listen for http requests to eg /metrics, report the current metrics, or /push, upload more recent metrics:

const options = {};
const gw = require('prom-pushgateway').createServer(options, (err, info) => {
    // => { pid: 12345, port: 9091 }
    // listening in current process, id 12345

The gateway can also run as an embedded service by forking itself into a separate process. This way it's better isolated from the primary service, but still offers the identical http functionality as when run in the same process:

const workerProcess = require('prom-pushgateway').forkServer({}, (err, info) => {
    // => { pid: 23456, port: 9091 }
    // listening in child process, id 23456

Custom metrics can be pushed to a same-process gateway via gw.gateway.ingestMetrics. IngestMetrics accepts a prom-client format metrics report, including any HELP and TYPE annotations. Metrics and annotations can be ingested in any order as long as both happen before metrics are reported. The Prometheus convention is to report annotations immediately before the metric, and separate metrics with blank lines.

const customMetrics =
    "my_metric_a 1\n" +
    "my_metric_b 2\n" +
    "# TYPE my_counter_c counter\n" +
    "my_counter_c 3\n;
gw.gateway.ingestMetrics(customMetrics, (err) => {
    // ingested typed metrics

HELP and TYPE annotations can be ingested just once, they are remembered and always reported along with their stats:

const customMetricsTypes =
    "# TYPE my_counter_c counter\n";
gw.gateway.ingestMetrics(customMetricsTypes, (err) => {
    // ingested the types

const customMetrics =
    "my_metric_a 1\n" +
    "my_metric_b 2\n" +
    "my_counter_c 4\n;
gw.gateway.ingestMetrics(customMetrics, (err) => {
    // ingested the metrics

A same-process gateway can ingest prom-client metrics automatically before reporting the current /metrics:

const promClient = require('prom-client');

const gw = require('prom-pushgateway).createServer({
    readPromMetrics: () => promClient.register.metrics()
}, (err, info) => {
    // => { pid: 12345, port: 9091 }

Of course, metrics can always be pushed to a gateway via http, with the same semantics as .ingestMetrics. Here's an example pushing the prom-client default metrics:

const promClient = require('prom-client');

const gw = require('prom-pushgateway').createServer({ port: 9091 }, (err, info) => {
    // listening

    const uri = { method: 'POST', host: 'localhost', port: 9091, path: '/push' };
    const req = require('http').request(uri, function(res) {
        // metrics ingested
        res.on('data', (chunk) => {
            // res.statusCode == 200
            // chunk == 'OK\n'


gw.createServer( config, [callback] )

Create a pushgateway http server listening on config.port, and return the server. The server implements the http api described below.

With a callback tries for up to listenTimeout ms to acquire and listen on the socket and returns any error or the port and process id of the server to its callback.

Without a callback it does not retry, it throws a listen error if the port is not available, or emits an 'error' event on the server if there is a listener for it.

// publish prom-client default metrics on port 9091
const promClient = require('prom-client');
const gw = require('prom-pushgateway').createServer({
    readPromMetrics: function() { return promClient.register.metrics() }

// add to that our our own custom metrics
const myMetrics =
    'my_metric_a 1\n' +
    '# TYPE my_metric_b counter\n' +
    'my_metric_b 2\n';
gw.gateway.ingestMetrics(myMetrics, function(err) {
    // ingested

The createServer function returns an http server object.

gw.forkServer( config, [callback] )

Run createServer in a child process, and return its port and pid back to the parent. This decouples the gateway from the event loop of the application. The worker will exit soon after the parent exits. On error the worker is killed.

Internally createServer is called with a callback; if forkServer is called with a callback, errors and port/pid are returned to the caller, without a callback errors are rethrown.

The forkServer function returns the forked worker child_process object.

gw.createGateway( config )

Create a pushgateway, usable by createServer.

The pushgateway has methods

  • ingestMetrics(report, cb) - cache the metrics contained in the prom-client format newline delimited metrics report string
  • ingestMetricsStackdriver(body, cb) - cache the metrics contained in the legacy stackdriver format metrics upload string
  • reportMetrics() - average the cached metrics, and return a prom-client formatted metrics report string. Metrics are reported as values, not deltas; if no new metrics arrived, the last reported values are sent again.
  • clear() - forget all seen metrics and HELP and TYPE information


Server options:

  • port - port to listen on, default 9091 (same as prometheus-pushgateway). A port must be given unless anyPort is is specified.
  • verbose - whether to log service start/stop messages, default false
  • listenTimeout - how long to retry to listen() on the configured socket before giving up
  • gateway - use the provided Gateway object instead of creating a new one. This option is ignored by forkServer.
  • anyPort - if unable to listen on port, listen on any available port (port 0). createServer returns the port the server is listening on. If both port and anyPort are specified, port is tried first.

Gateway options:

  • labels - hash of labels to add to reported metrics, default {} none
  • readPromMetrics - function to retrieve Prometheus metrics for inclusion in a /metrics report, default none. The prom metrics are read every time immediately before preparing the /metrics report.
  • maxMetricAgeMs - discard metrics that have been collected more than millisec before being reported (ie, before when reportMetrics() runs)
  • omitTimestamps - omit collection timestamps from the output of reportMetrics(). This makes prom-pushgateway report bare metrics, letting prometheus add its own notion of the collection time.

Other config settings are ignored.

Http Api

The gateway listens on the configured port (default 9091) for http requests.

GET /healthcheck

Returns 200 OK status code and "OK" body, just to confirm that the service is up. As a convenience, GET / is an alias for /healthcheck.

POST /push

Push prometheus-pushgateway format stats to the gateway to be scraped by Prometheus. The stats are cached for collection by a call to /metrics. Collected metrics are retained and reported again to allow reporting more frequently than metrics arrive, and duplicate metrics are averaged to allow reporting less frequently than metrics arrive. Metrics can be aged out with the maxMetricAgeMs option. Metrics ingestion is done by gateway.ingestMetrics().

$ curl --data-binary @- << EOF http://localhots:9091/push
metric1 11.5
metric2{host="host-01"} 12.5
metric2{host="host-02"} 13.5
# TYPE metric3 counter
metric3 7

$ curl http://localhost:9091/metrics
# HELP metric1 custom metric
# TYPE metric1 gauge
metric1 11.5 1519998877123

# HELP metric2 custom metric
# TYPE metric2 gauge
metric2{host="host-01"} 12.5 1519998877123
metric2{host="host-02"} 13.5 1519998877123

# HELP metric3 custom metric
# TYPE metric3 counter
metric3 7 1519998877123

POST /v1/custom

Push legacy-Stackdriver format stats to the gateway to be scraped by Prometheus. Metrics ingestion is done by gateway.ingestMetricsStackdriver().

This functionality is also accessible by the alias POST /push/stackdriver.

/v1/custom is legacy Stackdriver compatible; metrics formatted for can be sent to Prometheus instead simply by setting the Stackdriver config host and port to prom-pushgateway /v1/custom (but protocol http, not https), and collecting prometheus metrics from prom-pushgateway /metrics.

Example of how to upload Stackdriver metrics, and read them back in Prometheus format:

$ curl --data-binary @- << EOF http://localhost:9091/v1/custom
{ "timestamp":1519534800,
// => Published

$ curl http://localhost:9091/metrics
# HELP metric1 custom metric
# TYPE metric1 gauge
metric1{instance="i-001234"} 1.5 1519534800000

# HELP metric2 custom metric
# TYPE metric2 gauge
metric2 2.5 1519534800000

GET /metrics

Endpoint used by Prometheus to scrape stats. The cached stats are aggregated when reported (averaged, with the most recent timestamp). Each call to /metrics will report all known metrics, whether or not new samples have been pushed since the last call. If no new samples arrived, the last reported values are sent again. Aggretation and reporting is done by gateway.reportMetrics().

$ curl -v http://localhost:9091/metrics
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 19:28:16 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
# HELP metric1 custom metric
# TYPE metric1 gauge
metric1 11.5 1519500493638

# HELP metric2 custom metric
# TYPE metric2 gauge
metric2 12.5 1519500493638

Change Log

  • 0.10.3 - fix maxMetricAgeMs to also age out metrics that have already been reported, fix Buffer deprecation warnings
  • 0.10.2 - fix sort order to pass tests with newer node, make also work with older node
  • 0.10.1 - tolerate exceptions thrown by readPromMetrics, omit trailing blank line from reportMetrics
  • 0.10.0 - config.omitTimestamps and config.maxMetricAgeMs options, fix server options passing
  • 0.9.0 - gateway.clear method, config.anyPort, reuse HELP and TYPE attributes by metric name
  • 0.8.0 - createGateway method, and createServer gateway option
  • 0.7.0 - preserve prom metrics HELP and TYPE info, readPromMetrics callout function constructor option
  • 0.6.3 - publish the readme edits and package.json readme test
  • 0.6.2 - report metrics grouped by name, with help and type tags
  • 0.6.1 - retry to listen, listenTimeout
  • 0.6.0 - config.labels support, rename to prom-pushgateway, /v1/custom endpoint
  • 0.5.2 - 100% test coverage
  • 0.5.0 - fully working

Related Work


  • checkpoint metrics into a local journal (to back up the in-memory copy). Load journal on start, empty when scraped.
  • report metrics with a configurable separation gap to not split clusters of points
  • cache aggregates, not samples
  • support a '/close' http endpoint
  • support /job/<jobname>/instance/<instanceid> push endpoint, and label the metrics
  • support /job/<jobname> push endpoint where instanceid = req.connection.remoteAddress


tiny, simple, embeddable aggregating promethus and stackdriver stats gateway






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