Eliminate the annoying featurelessness of Jconsole
MBean tab:
save splitter position (feature #1)
open all mbeans down to the Attributes and Operation level (* key on keypad)
open all mbeans on unanimous path
(TODO) return value listing for operations
(TODO) do not swallow any exceptions from operations
(TODO) exception return value dialog should be copyable
Threads view
(TODO) find threads that are locked on Future.get() calls
thread stack traces tab
How was this created:
- downloaded OpenJdk source from http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6/promoted/b25/openjdk-6-src-b25-01_may_2012.tar.gz
- copied the jdk/src/share/classes/sun/jconsole directory to the src
- moved the packages under andrask.*
- added maven
Properties are saved in .myjconsole.properties file in the home directory.
Feature #1: Splitter position is saved in properties file (see Settings.java and MBeanTab.java)