This is a Docker image for PHP FPM with my own configuration. The image has Composer installed by default with many PHP extensions enabled.
By default, the container will create a webserver using PHP built-in web server feature.
docker run -v $PWD:/var/www -p 80:80 ammardev0/php
You can execute any other command. That will run your command inside the container without running the web server.
docker run ammardev0/php php -v
- XDebug
- Memcached
- Redis
- MongoDB
- GD
- bcmath
- pdo_mysql
- zip
- exif
- opcache
- calendar
- pcntl
The image has many aliases enabled by default (Assuming that you are using the zsh shell).
art = php artisan
test = clear && php artisan test
This package has the following tools installed:
- ZSH shell
- Composer
- Laravel Envoy (Installed Globally)