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librato-iOS integrates with your iOS application (via CocoaPods) to make reporting your metrics to Librato super easy. Reporting is done asynchronously and is designed to stay out of your way while allowing you to dig into each metric's details, if you want.

Metrics are automatically cached while the network is unavailable and saved if the app closes before they're submitted. Don't worry about submitting metrics, we make sure they don't go missing before they can be handed off to Librato's service.

Currently iOS version 8 and above is supported and the wonderful AFNetworking 2 is used to handle network duties.

If you need iOS 7 support, you can use the 1.1.0 release, which uses AFNetworking 1.x.

Quick Start

After installing librato-iOS into your workspace with CocoaPods just create a Librato instance with your credentials and start adding metrics.

#import "Librato.h"

// The prefix is optional but recommended as it
// helps you organize across your different projects
Librato *librato = [Librato.alloc initWithEmail:@"[email protected]"

// Create a metric with a specific name and value
LibratoMetric *filesOpened = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"files.opened" valued:@42];

// Add it to the queue to be automatically submitted
[librato add:filesOpened];


In your Podfile add:

pod 'librato-iOS'

Then run pod install.


Configuring your Libratro instance's email and token is an exercise left to the implementer but keeping those values out of the code itself is always a good idea.

Suggested methods

  • Compile-time replacement from a file containing project credentials (that is outside of source control)
  • Decrypting values from a plist
  • Choose your own adventure!

Custom measurements

Two types of measurement are currently available: counts and groups. These act as single and aggregate points of information.


This is the default metric type and requires only an NSString name and NSNumber value.

LibratoMetric *metric = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"downloads" valued:@42];

Additionally, you can provide optional source and measureTime. The source is useful when reviewing data to determine from where measurements with the same name originate. The measureTime is automatically generated if not provided but you can set a unique time if you have events that occurred in the past and want to add them to the stack. Metrics must be marked as happening within the last year's time.

Note: Both name and source must be fewer than 255 characters and be composed of “A-Za-z0-9.:-_”. These values will automatically be sanitized and any invalid characters will be replaced with a dash.

These values can be provided in the options NSDictionary or stated explicitly after the object has been instantiated.

NSDate *previousDay = [ dateByAddingTimeInterval:-(3600 * 24)];
LibratoMetric *metric = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"downloads"
                                              @"source": @"the internet",
                                              @"measureTime": previousDay

// or...

LibratoMetric *metric = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"downloads" valued:@42];
metric.source = @"the internet";
metric.measureTime = previousDay;

Optionally, you can create one or more counters inline with an NSDictionary when adding.

[<some librato instance> add:@{
                               @"downloads": @13,
                               @"plutonium": @{
                                   @"value": @238,
                                  @"source": @"Russia, with love"


Groups are aggregated metrics of multiple data points with related, meaningful data. These are created with an array of counter metrics.

LibratoMetric *bagelMetric1 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@13];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric2 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@10];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric3 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@9];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric4 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@8];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric5 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@2];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric6 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@1];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric7 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@0];
LibratoMetric *bagelMetric8 = [LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"bagels" valued:@0];

NSArray *bagels = @[bagelMetric1, bagelMetric2, bagelMetric3, bagelMetric4, bagelMetric5, bagelMetric6, bagelMetric7, bagelMetric8];
LibratoGaugeMetric *bagelGuage = [LibratoGaugeMetric metricNamed:@"bagel_guage" measurements:bagels];

The LibratoGroupMetric automatically generates the count, sum, minimum, maximum and square values for the aggregate data for use in the reporting tool.


It is usually unnecessary to manually submit metrics. By default, librato-iOS will automatically submit anything that has been added to the queue every five seconds, if internet connectivity is available.

Use the autosubmitInterval option when initializing a LibratoQueue instance to configure how often submissions should be triggered.

This interval can be adjusted to any NSTimeInterval measurement but librato-iOS will only run the check for your timer once every second to avoid automated flooding.

Manual submission

If you have a metrics you'd like to add to the queue and trigger an immediate submission you can use the submit: method. This accepts either metrics or a nil value.

// Adding metrics and immediately triggering a submission
[<some librato-iOS instance> submit:metrics];

// Passing nil will simply trigger the submission
[<some librato-iOS instance> submit:nil];

Custom Prefix

There's an optional but highly-recommended prefix you can set which will automatically be added to all metric names. This is a great way to isolate data or quickly filter metrics.

Submission Success or Failure

You can set a blocks to handle the success and failure cases for metric submission. These are referenced when the submission calls back so sporadically setting or nil-ling the blocks may lead to unexpected results.

Librato *librato = [Librato.alloc initWithEmail:@"[email protected]"
[libratoInstance setSubmitSuccessBlock:^(NSDictionary *JSON, NSUInteger code) {
    if (code == 200) {
        NSLog(@"Successful submission. Response JSON is: %@", JSON);

[libratoInstance setSubmitFailureBlock:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSON) {
    NSLog(@"Error submitting metric: %@", error);

[libratoInstance add:[LibratoMetric metricNamed:@"callbacks.test" valued:@123]];

If you want to disable the blocks, simply set them to nil.

[libratoInstance setSubmitSuccessBlock:nil];
[libratoInstance setSubmitFailureBlock:nil];

Offline Metric Gathering

If the device loses network availability all new metrics are cached until the network (WiFi or cell) becomes again available.

While offline every metric is stored in app memory so if memory consumption is a concern you may want to configure your app to reduce the amount of metrics gathered or turn off measurements after a certain amount have been gathered. Metrics themselves are very small so this should only be a concern if you're collecting many metrics per minute and will be offline for a lengthy period.

Persisting Metrics

If the app caches metrics while offline and is then closed all cached metrics are stored in an NSKeyedArchiver. This archive is emptied into the queue the next time the app is opened. An NSKeyedArchiver is great for this purpose but it does not allow for any kind of querying of the data which means all archived metrics are blindly submitted, regardless of type or data.


  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project and submit a pull request from a feature or bugfix branch.
  • Please include tests. This is important so we don't break your changes unintentionally in a future version.
  • Please don't modify the podspec, version, or changelog. If you do change these files, please isolate a separate commit so we can cherry-pick around it.



Copyright (c) 2013 Amco International Education Services, LLC. See LICENSE for more details.