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Live Demo:

Altura Guard II Demo - API Integration

This demo showcases Altura Guard II integration via the API with zero dependencies.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Altura-Guard-II-Demo

Edit .env.empty with your API Key

ALTURA_API_KEY = # Your Altura API key that you can get for free at
NEXT_PUBLIC_ALTURA_API = "" / "" (Live / Testing)

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev


Connect to user wallet

Submit the simple five word code the user provided and connect to the users wallet instantly

  POST /api/alturaguard/addRequest
Body Type Description
code string Required. User entered Altura Guard code


Parameter Type Description
address string Users wallet address.
token string This token is used to make transaction requests

You should store both the address and token in a database. The user can revoke this token at any point and so can the game. If you lose this token, you will not be able to create a new connection with the user unless they revoke the existing one.

Transaction Requests

Polling Transaction Response

When a transaction has been requested by the game, you will recieve a requestID. Using both your requestID and user token, you can poll the response of this request.

  POST /api/alturaguard/getResponse
Body Type Description
token string Required. User token recieved when authenticating
requestId string Required. Transaction request ID received

Returns 204 if there is no response yet.

Returns 404 if there has been no response after ten minutes.

Returns 200 with body Rejected if user rejected request.

Returns 200 with body txHash / signature if user approved request.

Submitting a signature request

  POST /api/alturaguard/request

You need to encode the message in hex before requesting a signature.

const message = utf8ToHex("Altura Guard II Sign Message Demo", true);
Body Type Description
token string Required. User token recieved when authenticating
reqParameters array Required. ["signature", message]


Parameter Type Description
requestId string ID of the transaction request to poll for

Submitting a native transaction request

  POST /api/alturaguard/request

You need to encode the value in hex before requesting a transaction.

const amountToSend = BigInt("10000000000000000");  //0.1 NATIVE TOKEN (ETH/BNB/AVAX etc)
const value = "0x" + amountToSend.toString(16)

You also need to add the neccessary paramaters before requesting a transaction.

const from = userAddress //the address you're sending from (connected users address)
const to = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // the address you're sending the transaction to 
const data = "0x" // the data which is always 0x when sending a native transaction

Then we need to make the transaction object

const tx = {

We also need the chain id (

const chainId = 1; // ETH chain id
Body Type Description
token string Required. User token recieved when authenticating
reqParameters array Required. ["transaction", tx, chainId]


Parameter Type Description
requestId string ID of the transaction request to poll for

Submitting a contract transaction request

  POST /api/alturaguard/request

You need to encode the value in hex before requesting a transaction.

const amountToSend = "0"  // sending value 0
const value = "0x" + amountToSend

You also need to add the neccessary paramaters before requesting a transaction.

const from = userAddress //the address you're sending from (connected users address)
const to = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // the address you're sending the transaction to 

Now we need to get the data to send to represent the contract data. In this example we are approving 0.1 BUSD

// create the tx object
// BUSD contract address: 0x78867BbEeF44f2326bF8DDd1941a4439382EF2A7
const contractAddress = "0x78867BbEeF44f2326bF8DDd1941a4439382EF2A7";
// Approve function ABI
const abi = [
    inputs: [
      { internalType: "address", name: "spender", type: "address" },
      { internalType: "uint256", name: "amount", type: "uint256" },
    name: "approve",
    outputs: [{ internalType: "bool", name: "", type: "bool" }],
    stateMutability: "nonpayable",
    type: "function",
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi);

// Set the parameters for the transaction
const spender = userAddress; // the address of the spender (user connected)
const amount = ethers.parseEther("0.1"); // the amount to approve
const data = contract.interface.encodeFunctionData("approve", [

Then we need to make the transaction object

const tx = {

We also need the chain id (

const chainId = 1; // ETH chain id
Body Type Description
token string Required. User token recieved when authenticating
reqParameters array Required. ["transaction", tx, chainId]


Parameter Type Description
requestId string ID of the transaction request to poll for