It is a joint term project of three courses in the school (Database management systems, Service-oriented architectures and Advanced web programming.) 4 people took part in the project. My role was to do the backend side. I took part in this and the Web service side. vesile-app
The project is based on a service called themoviedb that provides a web api infrastructure for movies. In the project, our user can look at the details of the movie, it's trailer, actors, etc. Our users can also add any movie they want to their watch, watched or favorite lists.
- Create account
- Movie
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommended movies
- Trailer
- Summary
- Score
- Watch List
- Watched List
- Favorite List
- Asp.Net Core Mvc
- Asp.Net Identity
- Entity Framework Core
- MsSql
- Bootstrap
- Web Service
- Grunt
- HttpClient