Follow the instructions from the below link and setup container-config-framework.
Clone this repository:
git clone /opt/alim-fider
Rename the template files to original file:
cd /opt/alim-fider/fider
mv postgres.secrets.ccf-tmpl-conf.jsonnet postgres.secrets.ccf-conf.jsonnet
mv fider.ccf-tmpl-conf.jsonet fider.ccf-conf.jsonet
Edit the configuration files with actual values:
vim postgres.secrets.ccf-conf.jsonnet
vim fider.ccf-conf.jsonet
JWT_SECRET: You can generate a strong secret at
Create a docker network:
docker network create appliance
Start the CCF container:
cd /opt/alim-fider/fider && sudo ccfmake start
cd /opt/alim-fider/traefik && sudo ccfmake start
Now the fider application will be up and running at