I have wanted to learn using Rust in server purposes for a long time, I thought starting a simple project could make process of learning faster. So I want to create simple API using Rust.
My roadmap will be like:
- (1) Initial Project (>done)
- (2) Blog List Endpoint (data served statically)(>done)
- (2.1 UPDATE) Change Rocket to Actix(>done)
- (3) Database integration(>done)
- (4) Create Blog model and implement migration(>done)
- (5) Refactoring CRUD endpoints for database connection(>done)
- (6) Write tests for CRUD endpoints(>done, but i will improve)
- (7) Auth endpoints | JWT Authentication
- (8) OpenAPI(Swagger) integration
- (9) Logging
cp .env.example .env
make up