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Library for OpenStreetMap data processing. It can be used for validators, extractors, etc.

Stream processing is not enough for many tasks where you need to load coordinates of many ways and relations, find by id, by area, by attributes. Only PostgreSQL can do it today, but it requires installation and long data loading.

When I created some validators, there were some requirements:

  • Validators should be simple for write, installation and running
  • They should work fast. They shouldn't use Postgres which requires long data loading.
  • Since it should work fast, it should store data in memory

That's why this library was written.

Memory is cheap today, but it's impossible to load full planet in memory yet. Today it's enough for loading region. If it will be required, there are some additional ways for memory usage optimization.

Some numbers about library for Belarus file processing:

  • Data file: ~190 MiB o5m file from with up-to-date updates by osmupdate.
  • Object counts: ~10 mln. nodes, ~1.5 mln. ways, ~15 ths. relations
  • Loading time: ~8 seconds on the my old Core2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz box using jdk 1.8.0_20. It's ~4 times faster than o5m4j. Osmosis requires ~10 times more for load data from pbf file.
  • Memory required: ~550 MiB heap

Comments are welcome to [email protected]

How to load data

Usually it can be done by

MemoryStorage data = new O5MReader().read(new File("tmp/belarus-updated.o5m"));

if you want to limit region, you can use bounding box:

String borderWKT = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("/Belarus.wkt));
Area Belarus = Area.fromWKT(borderWKT);
MemoryStorage data = new O5MReader(Belarus.getBoundingBox()).read(new File("tmp/belarus-updated.o5m"));

How to iterate by objects

Usually validators iterate by some set of object. It can be some tag-specific objects:

// this code prints names of all cities
storage.byTag("place", o -> System.out.println(o.getTag("name"));

byTag() function is very fast operation. If you can filter your object by having some tag, processing will be faster.

How to check area

Most usable operation for validator is check "Is object relate to area ?". FastArea class is designed for that. Idea is to split big polygon into ~400 parts, then check every part. Since most parts will be inside polygon, we can cache results and check enough fast.

 // this code prints names of all streets in city
 FastArea city = new FastArea(cityPolygon, storage);
 storage.byTag("highway", o -> city.contains(o), o -> System.out.println(o.getTag("name"));


MemoryStorage don't need some special multithreading support after full load from file, because all operations are read-only. But if you want to update MemoryStorage by changeset or manually, you need to block access to MemoryStorage for update time youself.

Nodes/ways/relations retrieving don't need some special multithreading support since all calls will be read-only.

FastArea and Extended... objects support multithreading for all operations.

For example, you can use parallel processing:

List<FastArea> cities = ...


Library doesn't decide that some line is inside border, if all points of line are outside of border. Inside check processed only by points of way and relations.


Library uses JTS for some spatial calculations.