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Chunk and Terrain materializers storages

alelievr edited this page May 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Chunk storage

Chunks are stoked in classes inherited from ChunkData, theses classes contains everything necessary to create the chunk view.
Here is the current available Chunk storage classes:

class description / content
ChunkData base class, can not be instanciated, contains an int size of the chunk.
SideView2DData for sideview procedural generation (like terraria / starbound),
TopDown2DData for topdown procedural FLAT maps like old rpg games. contains Texture2D texture to apply to a plane.
Planar3DData comming soon
Spherical3DData comming soon
Cubic3DData comming soon
Density1DData comming soon
Density2DData comming soon
Density3DData comming soon
MeshData comming soon

Terrain materializers

Terrain materializers are used to render ChunkData inherited classes to a visual terrain. We currently support: PWTopDown2DTerrain and PWSideView2DTerrain.

If you want to create your own terrain materializer, create a class inherited from PWTerrainBase and override the folowing functions:

  • public override object OnChunkCreate(ChunkData cd, Vector3 pos)
  • public override void OnChunkRender(ChunkData cd, object userDefinedObject, Vector3 pos)

The OnChunkCreate function is called when a new chunk is generated. Once you generate your rendering GameObject, you need to return it so the base class can store it with the chunk.
When a chunk need to be visually updated (LOD, hide/show, ...), the OnChunkRender function is called and the userDefinedObject parameter is the object you create and return in OnChunkCreate.

Terrain Storage

Terrain storage saves/load the generated terrain. Two modes are supported: PWStorageMode.MEMORY and PWStorageMode.FILE, the variable terrainStorage.storeMode in the PWTerrainBase class can be edited to modify the chunk storage mode.
Memory storage is used to test, Chunks will only be available for the current session, they are stored in the ram.
File storage is kind of obvious, the storageFolder field can be modified to changed the chunk location, by default the location is: Application.dataPath + "/Levels/"

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