This streamlit application performs a simple EDA
The Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) application is designed to provide users with an interactive tool for exploring and analyzing their datasets. The application is built using Streamlit, a Python library for building web applications, and offers a user-friendly interface with various features to gain insights into the data.
The application allows users to upload a CSV file containing their dataset. Once the file is uploaded, the application displays relevant statistics about the dataset, such as the number of rows, number of columns, and the count of numerical, categorical, and boolean variables. This provides users with an overview of the dataset's structure and characteristics.
In addition to the dataset statistics, the application provides users with the ability to select a single column from the dataset for further analysis. If the selected column is numerical, the application generates a five-number summary and displays a distribution plot, allowing users to visualize the distribution of data points and identify any patterns or outliers. On the other hand, if the selected column is categorical, the application generates a table displaying the proportions of each category level and creates a customized bar plot, providing users with insights into the categorical distribution of the data.
The application also includes a sidebar navigation tool, which allows users to easily switch between different sections, including dataset statistics, numerical column statistics, and categorical column statistics. Moreover, users can download the processed data as a CSV file and download the generated plot image for further analysis or sharing.
Here is the link streamlit_app