Solution for Stanford cs294a, sparse autoencoder in MatLab and Python
- This is a solution to the Sparse Autoencoder exercise in the Stanford UFLDL Tutorial(
- The solution is implemented in both MatLab and Python (with numpy, scipy, and Matplotlib)
Running the code:
For Python
- Download the data file 'IMAGES.mat' and the code file ''
- Put them in the same folder, and run the program by typing in 'python' in the terminal
- You should get a result similar to the 'weights.first.jpg'
- The code takes about 1 minute to finish on a 2016 computer
For MatLab
- Download the data file 'IMAGES.mat' and the code files '*.m'
- Put them in the same folder, and run the program by typing in 'train' in the MatLab
- You should get a result similar to the 'weights.first.jpg'
- The code takes about 1 minute to finish on a 2016 computer