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Hop Exchange Smart Contracts
Hop Protocol
April 2021
Daniel Luca

Table of Contents


Issues Summary

Informational 0 3
Minor 0 7
Medium 0 1
Major 0 0

Executive summary

This report represents the results of the engagement with Hop Protocol to review Hop Exchange Smart Contracts.

The review was conducted over the course of 2.5 weeks from March 29 to April 14, 2021. A total of 13 person-days were spent reviewing the code.

Week 1

During the first week, we started by viewing the kick-off call and getting more familiar with the architecture and the overall setup.

On the second day of the audit, we updated the commit hash to include a Merkle tree update. The MerkleUtils library was swapped out with the one Optimism is using. The scope was increased to include a few other contracts that are part of the system and extend the original scope included contracts.

During the 3rd day, after getting more familiar with the code and the overall architecture, we proceeded to read the whitepaper and the rest of the documentation. Our goal was to understand all the key terms and components to make sure the definitions are completely understood in the context of the system.

At the end of the week, we had another meeting with the development team to go together through a few scenarios. The important scenarios were related to entry points and data flow when a user crosses one of the bridges, i.e., user crossing L1 -> L2, user crossing L2a -> L2b (different layer 2 chains).

Week 2

During the second week we set a daily meeting with the development team up until the end of the review to discuss new findings and ask any outstanding questions.

On Monday we identified a few small issues related to the Automated Market Maker Wrapper (AmmWrapper) and add a few questions for the development team. We proceeded to ask these questions in our daily sync. Some of the raised issues were already identified by the development team and fixed in their internal audit.

On Tuesday the development team shared with us an updated document with a few scenarios and their entry points that we should review.

Text version of shared interaction doc

Rendered version of the interaction below:

Shared interaction doc

On Wednesday we continued to draft issues based on the feedback received and continued to do the manual review.

At the end of the week we agreed to add another 3 person days in order to fully cover the review.

Week 3

We continued the review, mostly focusing on the challenge, confirmation and root id confirmation.

At the end of the review period we finalized the report and presented it to the development team.


The initial review focused on the Hop Exchange Smart Contracts identified by the commit hash f486cc2f1f5086f1fd7a3bba8645bc2b0fd700c2.

We focused on manually reviewing the codebase, searching for security issues such as, but not limited to re-entrancy problems, transaction ordering, block timestamp dependency, exception handling, call stack depth limitation, integer overflow/underflow, self-destructible contracts, unsecured balance, use of origin, gas costly patterns, architectural problems, code readability.


  • ./bridges/Accounting.sol
  • ./bridges/Bridge.sol
  • ./bridges/L1_Bridge.sol
  • ./bridges/L1_ETH_Bridge.sol
  • ./bridges/L1_ERC20_Bridge.sol
  • ./bridges/L2_Bridge.sol
  • ./bridges/L2_AmmWrapper.sol
  • ./wrappers/ArbitrumMessengerWrapper.sol
  • ./wrappers/MessengerWrapper.sol
  • ./wrappers/OptimismMessengerWrapper.sol
  • ./wrappers/XDaiMessengerWrapper.sol


All other contracts


We identified a few possible general improvements that are not security issues during the review, which will bring value to the developers and the community reviewing and using the product.

Improve tests

Currently the tests do not pass. This is because the optimism compiler npm package was changed since the code was frozen, up until the tests were run on our end. This isn't a problem with the code itself, but pinning the npm packages to a fixed version will prevent similar situations.

A sample .env.example config file should also be provided to anyone that wants to run the tests.

Improve the testing process to make sure all functionality is first tested and then implemented, basically writing the tests first and the implementation after. This way ensures each line of code is tested and no line of code is superfluous.

Set up Continuous Integration

Use one of the platforms that offer Continuous Integration services and implement a list of actions that compile, test, run coverage and create alerts when the pipeline fails.

Because the repository is hosted on GitHub, the most painless way to set up the Continuous Integration is through GitHub Actions.

Setting up the workflow can start based on this example template.

name: Continuous Integration

    branches: [master]
    branches: [master]

    name: Build and test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [12.x]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js $
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: $
    - run: npm ci
    - run: cp ./config.sample.js ./config.js
    - run: npm test

    name: Coverage
    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [12.x]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js $
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: $
    - run: npm ci
    - run: cp ./config.sample.js ./config.js
    - run: npm run coverage
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: Coverage $
        path: |

This CI template activates on pushes and pull requests on the master branch.

    branches: [master]
    branches: [master]

It uses an Ubuntu Docker image as a base for setting up the project.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Multiple Node.js versions can be used to check integration. However, because this is not primarily a Node.js project, multiple versions don't provide added value.

        node-version: [12.x]

A script item should be added in the scripts section of package.json that runs all tests.

   "script": {
      "test": "buidler test"

This can then be called by running npm test after setting up the dependencies with npm ci.

If any hidden variables need to be defined, you can set them up in a local version of ./config.sample.js (locally named ./config.js). If you decide to do that, you should also add ./config.js in .gitignore to make sure no hidden variables are pushed to the public repository. The sample config file ./config.sample.js should be sufficient to pass the test suite.

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js $
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: $
    - run: npm ci
    - run: cp ./config.sample.js ./config.js
    - run: npm test

You can also choose to run coverage and upload the generated artifacts.

    - run: npm run coverage
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: Coverage $
        path: |

At the moment, checking the artifacts is not that easy, because one needs to download the zip archive, unpack it and check it. However, the coverage can be checked in the Actions section once it's set up.


Issue status: Fixed Medium


The method distribute can only be called by the Layer 1 Bridge.


    function distribute(
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        uint256 deadline,
        uint256 relayerFee

The external method calls the internal method _distribute in order to distribute tokens.


    function _distribute(address recipient, uint256 amount, uint256 amountOutMin, uint256 deadline, uint256 fee) internal {

If the fee is positive, it will mint some tokens for the caller.


        if (fee > 0) {
  , fee);

In this case, the caller is the Layer 1 Bridge as stated above.

However, the L1 Bridge doesn't seem to have a method to move the tokens.

 +  L1_Bridge (Bridge)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
       - modifiers: Bridge
    - [Ext] sendToL2 ($)
    - [Ext] bondTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyBonder,requirePositiveBalance
    - [Ext] confirmTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyL2Bridge
    - [Int] _distributeTransferRoot #
    - [Ext] challengeTransferBond ($)
    - [Ext] resolveChallenge #
    - [Int] _additionalDebit
    - [Int] _requireIsGovernance #
    - [Ext] setGovernance #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setCrossDomainMessengerWrapper #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChainIdDepositsPaused #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeAmountMultiplier #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeAmountDivisor #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengePeriodAndTimeSlotSize #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeResolutionPeriod #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMinTransferRootBondDelay #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Pub] getBondForTransferAmount
    - [Pub] getChallengeAmountForTransferAmount
    - [Pub] getTimeSlot

In which case the tokens that represent the fee, will remain locked in the Layer 1 Bridge contract.


Consider adding an additional argument to point to the receiver of the fee and pass that along through the internal _distribute method. This is especially useful for the bondWithdrawalAndDistribute method.

The fee doesn't seem necessary if the Layer 1 Bridge calls the external distribute method because the amount is not bonded.

Issue status: Acknowledged Minor


All of these methods update important configurations for the bridge.


    /* ========== External Config Management Functions ========== */

    function setAmmWrapper(L2_AmmWrapper _ammWrapper) external onlyGovernance {
        ammWrapper = _ammWrapper;

    function setL1BridgeAddress(address _l1BridgeAddress) external onlyGovernance {
        l1BridgeAddress = _l1BridgeAddress;

    function setL1MessengerWrapperAddress(address _l1MessengerWrapperAddress) external onlyGovernance {
        l1MessengerWrapperAddress = _l1MessengerWrapperAddress;

    function setMessengerGasLimit(uint256 _messengerGasLimit) external onlyGovernance {
        messengerGasLimit = _messengerGasLimit;

    function addSupportedChainIds(uint256[] calldata chainIds) external onlyGovernance {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; i++) {
            supportedChainIds[chainIds[i]] = true;

    function removeSupportedChainIds(uint256[] calldata chainIds) external onlyGovernance {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < chainIds.length; i++) {
            supportedChainIds[chainIds[i]] = false;

    function setMinimumForceCommitDelay(uint256 _minimumForceCommitDelay) external onlyGovernance {
        minimumForceCommitDelay = _minimumForceCommitDelay;

    function setMaxPendingTransfers(uint256 _maxPendingTransfers) external onlyGovernance {
        maxPendingTransfers = _maxPendingTransfers;

    function setHopBridgeTokenOwner(address newOwner) external onlyGovernance {

    function setMinimumBonderFeeRequirements(uint256 _minBonderBps, uint256 _minBonderFeeAbsolute) external onlyGovernance {
        minBonderBps = _minBonderBps;
        minBonderFeeAbsolute = _minBonderFeeAbsolute;


Consider emitting events with the new values (and possibly old values) when these changes go through.

Similarly can be done for L1_Bridge.

Issue status: Fixed Minor


The method is only called externally. To signal it will not be called internally by the contract or by another implementation that extends the L2_Bridge it could be defined as external.


Consider defining the method as external if it's not called internally.

Issue status: Fixed Minor


The governance can set a minimum fee, as well as a minimum percentage by calling setMinimumBonderFeeRequirements.


    function setMinimumBonderFeeRequirements(uint256 _minBonderBps, uint256 _minBonderFeeAbsolute) external onlyGovernance {
        minBonderBps = _minBonderBps;
        minBonderFeeAbsolute = _minBonderFeeAbsolute;

The values could be checked for sanity, especially the percentage.


Check the value of minBonderBps to be something less than 10000.

Issue status: Fixed Minor


The contract L2_AmmWrapper has a few storage variables.


    L2_Bridge public bridge;
    IERC20 public l2CanonicalToken;
    bool public l2CanonicalTokenIsEth;
    IERC20 public hToken;
    Swap public exchangeAddress;

These storage vars are set at deploy time.


    /// @notice When l2CanonicalTokenIsEth is true, l2CanonicalToken should be set to the WETH address
        L2_Bridge _bridge,
        IERC20 _l2CanonicalToken,
        bool _l2CanonicalTokenIsEth,
        IERC20 _hToken,
        Swap _exchangeAddress
        bridge = _bridge;
        l2CanonicalToken = _l2CanonicalToken;
        l2CanonicalTokenIsEth = _l2CanonicalTokenIsEth;
        hToken = _hToken;
        exchangeAddress = _exchangeAddress;

None of them are changed after the initial set.

This is why they could be defined as immutable. Solidity does not reserve a storage slot for immutables, but every occurrence is replaced in the bytecode by the respective value. This greatly reduces gas costs.

To have a better understanding of the gas cost reduction, two contracts were created.

The first contract defines a storage variable and sets it at deploy time. It also set the variable to public, this way Solidity will create a getter for it. This getter is important to measure the gas cost to access it.

contract A {
    bool public isSet;
    constructor(bool _isSet) public {
        isSet = _isSet;

The second contract uses an immutable instead of a storage slot. That is the only difference between the two.

contract B {
    bool public immutable isSet;
    constructor(bool _isSet) public {
        isSet = _isSet;

We've created the following table to show the differences in gas costs between the two approaches.

deploy gas cost getter gas cost
storage slot 47801 988
immutable 32403 182

Both examples were tested in Remix IDE, Solidity version 0.6.12, optimization runs 200.


Change all state variables to immutable to greatly reduce gas costs.

Similarly, change the state variables to immutable in L2_Bridge.


        l1Governance = _l1Governance;
        hToken = _hToken;
        l2CanonicalToken = _l2CanonicalToken;

But also in these cases (not a complete list):


        arbInbox = _arbInbox;
        arbBridge = arbInbox.bridge();
        defaultGasPrice = _defaultGasPrice;
        defaultCallValue = _defaultCallValue;


        l1MessengerAddress = _l1MessengerAddress;


        l2ChainId = bytes32(_l2ChainId);
        ambBridge = _ambBridge;

There are instances where some state variables are never changed in other contracts. If you think you won't change them in the future, consider checking all contract constructors.


Issue status: Fixed Minor


The Accounting contract takes care of low-level accounting and has a couple of external methods that handle staking and unstaking of funds.


     * @dev Allows the bonder to deposit tokens and increase its credit balance
     * @param bonder The address being staked on
     * @param amount The amount being staked
    function stake(address bonder, uint256 amount) external payable {
        require(_isBonder[bonder] == true, "ACT: Address is not bonder");
        _transferToBridge(msg.sender, amount);
        _addCredit(bonder, amount);


     * @dev Allows the caller to withdraw any available balance and add to their debit balance
     * @param amount The amount being staked
    function unstake(uint256 amount) external requirePositiveBalance {
        _addDebit(msg.sender, amount);
        _transferFromBridge(msg.sender, amount);

A couple of matching events exist in the contract.


    event Stake (
        uint256 amount


    event Unstake (
        uint256 amount

But they are not emitted in this contract or in any contract that inherits Accounting.


Emit events when staking and unstaking.

Issue status: Fixed Minor


The method Lib_MerkleTree._ceilLog2 is used in the getMerkleRoot method to calculate the total siblings count.


            _siblings.length == _ceilLog2(_totalLeaves),
            "Lib_MerkleTree: Total siblings does not correctly correspond to total leaves."

As stated in the source code, it was copied from the Solidity examples repository.


        // Find the highest set bit (will be floor(log_2)).
        // Borrowed with <3 from

The Solidity example repository includes this method as an example for other developers to learn how to use the language. Because it does not strive to be the optimal implementation, its purpose is to show different features of the language itself.


    // Computes the index of the highest bit set in 'self'.
    // Returns the highest bit set as an 'uint8'.
    // Requires that 'self != 0'.
    function highestBitSet(uint self) internal pure returns (uint8 highest) {
        require(self != 0);
        uint val = self;
        for (uint8 i = 128; i >= 1; i >>= 1) {
            if (val & (ONE << i) - 1 << i != 0) {
                highest += i;
                val >>= i;

This is why some of the examples in the Solidity repository might not be gas optimized.

Using uint8 in the loop forces the compiler to create sub-optimal code.

The following Solidity contract example was used to measure the difference between using uint8 and uint256 with a few example inputs.

contract FindBit {
    function find_highest_set_bit(
        uint value
        returns (
        uint _in = value;
        if (_in == 1) {
            return 0;

        // Find the highest set bit (will be floor(log_2)).
        // Borrowed with <3 from
        uint256 val = _in;
        uint256 highest = 0;
        for (uint8 i = 128; i >= 1; i >>= 1) {
            if (val & (uint(1) << i) - 1 << i != 0) {
                highest += i;
                val >>= i;

        // Increment by one if this is not a perfect logarithm.
        if ((uint(1) << highest) != _in) {
            highest += 1;

        return highest;        

Changing the line from uint8 to uint256

        for (uint8 i = 128; i >= 1; i >>= 1) {
        for (uint256 i = 128; i >= 1; i >>= 1) {

Gives the following different gas costs, while returning the same, identical results.

Solidity version 0.8.3+commit.8d00100c and 200 optimization runs were used in Remix IDE for tests.

input output uint8 gas uint256 gas difference
8 3 1876 1692 184
15 4 1951 1767 184
100 7 1951 1767 184
128 7 1980 1779 201
4294967295 (0xffffffff) 32 2263 2028 235
1099511627775 (0xffffffffff) 40 2159 1941 218
18446744073709552000 (0xffffffffffffffff) 64 2367 2115 252


Modify the loop iterator from uint8 to uint256 to reduce gas costs, while having the same output.


Issue status: Fixed Minor


The methods addBonder and removeBonder respectively add and remove bonders.


     * @dev Add Bonder to allowlist
     * @param bonder The address being added as a Bonder
    function addBonder(address bonder) external onlyGovernance {
        require(_isBonder[bonder] == false, "ACT: Address is already bonder");
        _isBonder[bonder] = true;


     * @dev Remove Bonder from allowlist
     * @param bonder The address being removed as a Bonder
    function removeBonder(address bonder) external onlyGovernance {
        require(_isBonder[bonder] == true, "ACT: Address is not bonder");
        _isBonder[bonder] = false;

Also, the constructor adds a list of bonders to the bonder list.


    /// @dev Sets the bonder addresses
    constructor(address[] memory bonders) public {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < bonders.length; i++) {
            _isBonder[bonders[i]] = true;

It might be beneficial to emit events when adding and removing bonders.


Consider emitting events when adding or removing bonders.

Issue status: Acknowledged Informational


This method is set as view but can be restricted to pure as long as the Solidity version is <0.8.x.


    function getChainId() public virtual view returns (uint256 chainId) {

Also, the hack to silence the state mutability can also be removed.


        this; // Silence state mutability warning without generating any additional byte code

If you need the view mutability in order to allow other layer 2 implementations to first save and then retrieve the value from the contract state, keep the view modifier, otherwise consider switching to pure. Solidity does not do too many things differently but uses STATICCALL when calling the method to make sure the state is not changed.


Unless there's a reason to keep the view, consider changing to pure.

Issue status: Fixed Informational


There are a couple of error messages that refer to the L2 Bridge


        require(amount >= bonderFee, "L2_BRG: Bonder fee cannot exceed amount");


            require(msg.value == amount, "L2_BRG: Value does not match amount");

Typically the L2_BRG error prefix is found in Bridge and L2_Bridge.

Also, the other error messages seem to refer to the Uniswap Wrapper.


            require(l2CanonicalToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "L2_UW: TransferFrom failed");


        require(l2CanonicalToken.approve(address(exchangeAddress), amount), "L2_UW: Approve failed");


        require(hToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "L2_UW: TransferFrom failed");
        require(hToken.approve(address(exchangeAddress), amount), "L2_UW: Approve failed");


            require(hToken.transfer(recipient, amount), "L2_UW: Transfer failed");


            require(success, 'L2_UW: ETH transfer failed');


            require(l2CanonicalToken.transfer(recipient, amountOut), "L2_UW: Transfer failed");


Update the error messages to correctly reflect the current contract.

Issue status: Fixed Informational


Uniswap is mentioned, make sure to replace with something like AMM.


            require(l2CanonicalToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "L2_UW: TransferFrom failed");


        require(l2CanonicalToken.approve(address(exchangeAddress), amount), "L2_UW: Approve failed");


        require(hToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount), "L2_UW: TransferFrom failed");
        require(hToken.approve(address(exchangeAddress), amount), "L2_UW: Approve failed");


            require(hToken.transfer(recipient, amount), "L2_UW: Transfer failed");


            require(success, 'L2_UW: ETH transfer failed');


            require(l2CanonicalToken.transfer(recipient, amountOut), "L2_UW: Transfer failed");


Make sure to update the error messages to reflect the current contract.



SΕ«rya is a utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.



Display of the full inheritance path.


Full graph of interaction

Some of the interactions are not visible in this graph because they are sent over the bridge by abi encoding and seding them over the messenger.

Full graph

Bridges graph


Bridge graph

Bridge graph


L1_Bridge graph


L2_Bridge graph


Files Description Table
File Name SHA-1 Hash
./contracts/bridges/Accounting.sol dd830703b1d1fa5ed53b50d807ef19657d36e168
./contracts/bridges/Bridge.sol 7a5a673d36e65640d01a3b9057cd878ed8d76613
./contracts/bridges/HopBridgeToken.sol a006bd5671b05bce010e0583ff7371a55beb4406
./contracts/bridges/L1_Bridge.sol a96db5f564635ad532909560480bc079ae1d9b7d
./contracts/bridges/L1_ERC20_Bridge.sol d24c55c6668d4d280290f2580a8c16cb3b3d9f4f
./contracts/bridges/L1_ETH_Bridge.sol 242b48dad540ad06320e545905d7aa7c7abe81c4
./contracts/bridges/L2_AmmWrapper.sol 53286765e1cd505c2055cc357862f9225ab09257
./contracts/bridges/L2_ArbitrumBridge.sol 146eb9cc5903c55133e63d72b80200be49401e93
./contracts/bridges/L2_Bridge.sol 3840324c973bd5a0b338f9e85b8f115f64a9fc60
./contracts/bridges/L2_OptimismBridge.sol 945ae3984a17b087889de7245688825bce5b6df2
./contracts/bridges/L2_UniswapWrapper.sol 67a4f013266ff156636184124bc20b8db3a35dec
./contracts/bridges/L2_XDaiBridge.sol 56d4e2b02bbb7b4d76dd31c1a47642fc5ab1ee54
Contracts Description Table
Contract Type Bases
β”” Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
Accounting Implementation
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” _transferFromBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _transferToBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _requireIsGovernance Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _additionalDebit Internal πŸ”’
β”” getIsBonder Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getCredit Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getRawDebit External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getDebitAndAdditionalDebit Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” stake External ❗️ πŸ’΅ NO❗️
β”” unstake External ❗️ πŸ›‘ requirePositiveBalance
β”” addBonder External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” removeBonder External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” _addCredit Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _addDebit Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
Bridge Implementation Accounting
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ Accounting
β”” getTransferId Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getChainId Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getTransferRootId Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getTransferRoot Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getBondedWithdrawalAmount External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” isTransferIdSpent External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” withdraw External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” bondWithdrawal External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyBonder requirePositiveBalance
β”” settleBondedWithdrawal External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” settleBondedWithdrawals External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” rescueTransferRoot External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” _markTransferSpent Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _addToAmountWithdrawn Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _setTransferRoot Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _bondWithdrawal Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _fulfillWithdraw Private πŸ” πŸ›‘
HopBridgeToken Implementation ERC20, Ownable
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ ERC20
β”” mint External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” burn External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
L1_Bridge Implementation Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ Bridge
β”” sendToL2 External ❗️ πŸ’΅ NO❗️
β”” bondTransferRoot External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyBonder requirePositiveBalance
β”” confirmTransferRoot External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL2Bridge
β”” _distributeTransferRoot Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” challengeTransferBond External ❗️ πŸ’΅ NO❗️
β”” resolveChallenge External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” _additionalDebit Internal πŸ”’
β”” _requireIsGovernance Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” setGovernance External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setCrossDomainMessengerWrapper External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setChainIdDepositsPaused External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setChallengeAmountMultiplier External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setChallengeAmountDivisor External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setChallengePeriodAndTimeSlotSize External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setChallengeResolutionPeriod External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setMinTransferRootBondDelay External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” getBondForTransferAmount Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getChallengeAmountForTransferAmount Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getTimeSlot Public ❗️ NO❗️
L1_ERC20_Bridge Implementation L1_Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ L1_Bridge
β”” _transferFromBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _transferToBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
L1_ETH_Bridge Implementation L1_Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ L1_Bridge
β”” _transferFromBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _transferToBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
L2_AmmWrapper Implementation
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” swapAndSend Public ❗️ πŸ’΅ NO❗️
β”” attemptSwap External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
L2_ArbitrumBridge Implementation L2_Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ L2_Bridge
β”” _sendCrossDomainMessage Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _verifySender Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” setMessenger External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
L2_Bridge Implementation Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ Bridge
β”” _sendCrossDomainMessage Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _verifySender Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” send Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” commitTransfers External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” distribute External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
β”” bondWithdrawalAndDistribute External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyBonder requirePositiveBalance
β”” setTransferRoot External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
β”” _commitTransfers Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _distribute Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _transferFromBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _transferToBridge Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _requireIsGovernance Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” setAmmWrapper External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setL1BridgeAddress External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setL1MessengerWrapperAddress External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setMessengerGasLimit External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” addSupportedChainIds External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” removeSupportedChainIds External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setMinimumForceCommitDelay External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setMaxPendingTransfers External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setHopBridgeTokenOwner External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” setMinimumBonderFeeRequirements External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyGovernance
β”” getNextTransferNonce Public ❗️ NO❗️
L2_OptimismBridge Implementation L2_Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ L2_Bridge
β”” _sendCrossDomainMessage Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _verifySender Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” setMessenger External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
β”” setDefaultGasLimit External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
L2_UniswapWrapper Implementation
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” swapAndSend Public ❗️ πŸ’΅ NO❗️
β”” attemptSwap External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” _getHCPath Private πŸ”
β”” _getCHPath Private πŸ”
L2_XDaiBridge Implementation L2_Bridge
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ L2_Bridge
β”” _sendCrossDomainMessage Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _verifySender Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” setMessenger External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyL1Bridge
Symbol Meaning
πŸ›‘ Function can modify state
πŸ’΅ Function is payable
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/bridges/Accounting.sol

 +  Accounting
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Int] _transferFromBridge #
    - [Int] _transferToBridge #
    - [Int] _requireIsGovernance #
    - [Int] _additionalDebit
    - [Pub] getIsBonder
    - [Pub] getCredit
    - [Ext] getRawDebit
    - [Pub] getDebitAndAdditionalDebit
    - [Ext] stake ($)
    - [Ext] unstake #
       - modifiers: requirePositiveBalance
    - [Ext] addBonder #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] removeBonder #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Int] _addCredit #
    - [Int] _addDebit #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/bridges/Bridge.sol
 +  Bridge (Accounting)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
       - modifiers: Accounting
    - [Pub] getTransferId
    - [Pub] getChainId
    - [Pub] getTransferRootId
    - [Pub] getTransferRoot
    - [Ext] getBondedWithdrawalAmount
    - [Ext] isTransferIdSpent
    - [Ext] withdraw #
    - [Ext] bondWithdrawal #
       - modifiers: onlyBonder,requirePositiveBalance
    - [Ext] settleBondedWithdrawal #
    - [Ext] settleBondedWithdrawals #
    - [Ext] rescueTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Int] _markTransferSpent #
    - [Int] _addToAmountWithdrawn #
    - [Int] _setTransferRoot #
    - [Int] _bondWithdrawal #
    - [Prv] _fulfillWithdraw #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function

$ npx surya describe ./contracts/bridges/L2_Bridge.sol
npx: installed 63 in 1.792s
 +  L2_Bridge (Bridge)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
       - modifiers: Bridge
    - [Int] _sendCrossDomainMessage #
    - [Int] _verifySender #
    - [Pub] send #
    - [Ext] commitTransfers #
    - [Ext] distribute #
       - modifiers: onlyL1Bridge
    - [Ext] bondWithdrawalAndDistribute #
       - modifiers: onlyBonder,requirePositiveBalance
    - [Ext] setTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyL1Bridge
    - [Int] _commitTransfers #
    - [Int] _distribute #
    - [Int] _transferFromBridge #
    - [Int] _transferToBridge #
    - [Int] _requireIsGovernance #
    - [Ext] setAmmWrapper #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setL1BridgeAddress #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setL1MessengerWrapperAddress #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMessengerGasLimit #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] addSupportedChainIds #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] removeSupportedChainIds #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMinimumForceCommitDelay #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMaxPendingTransfers #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setHopBridgeTokenOwner #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMinimumBonderFeeRequirements #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Pub] getNextTransferNonce

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/bridges/L1_Bridge.sol
npx: installed 63 in 3.544s
 +  L1_Bridge (Bridge)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
       - modifiers: Bridge
    - [Ext] sendToL2 ($)
    - [Ext] bondTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyBonder,requirePositiveBalance
    - [Ext] confirmTransferRoot #
       - modifiers: onlyL2Bridge
    - [Int] _distributeTransferRoot #
    - [Ext] challengeTransferBond ($)
    - [Ext] resolveChallenge #
    - [Int] _additionalDebit
    - [Int] _requireIsGovernance #
    - [Ext] setGovernance #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setCrossDomainMessengerWrapper #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChainIdDepositsPaused #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeAmountMultiplier #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeAmountDivisor #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengePeriodAndTimeSlotSize #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setChallengeResolutionPeriod #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Ext] setMinTransferRootBondDelay #
       - modifiers: onlyGovernance
    - [Pub] getBondForTransferAmount
    - [Pub] getChallengeAmountForTransferAmount
    - [Pub] getTimeSlot

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/bridges/L2_AmmWrapper.sol
npx: installed 63 in 2.339s
 +  L2_AmmWrapper
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Pub] swapAndSend ($)
    - [Ext] attemptSwap #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/wrappers/ArbitrumMessengerWrapper.sol
npx: installed 63 in 2.389s
 +  ArbitrumMessengerWrapper (MessengerWrapper)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Pub] sendCrossDomainMessage #
       - modifiers: onlyL1Bridge
    - [Pub] verifySender #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/./wrappers/OptimismMessengerWrapper.sol
npx: installed 63 in 3.061s
 +  OptimismMessengerWrapper (MessengerWrapper)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Pub] sendCrossDomainMessage #
       - modifiers: onlyL1Bridge
    - [Pub] verifySender #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function
$ npx surya describe ./contracts/./wrappers/XDaiMessengerWrapper.sol
npx: installed 63 in 4.416s
 +  XDaiMessengerWrapper (MessengerWrapper)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Pub] sendCrossDomainMessage #
       - modifiers: onlyL1Bridge
    - [Pub] verifySender #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function


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