Exscad is an OpenSCAD viewer written in Elixir using Phoenix LiveView and three.js.
Follow these steps to set up and run Exscad on your local machine:
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/akdemironur/exscad
cd exscad
Build the Docker image:
cd openscad
docker build . --tag openscad
Return to the project root directory:
cd ..
Set up the Elixir environment:
mix setup
Start the Phoenix server:
mix phx.server
Now you can open your web browser and visit localhost:4000 to use Exscad.
- Text functions in OpenSCAD are not working because there is no font in the Docker image.
- Invoking Docker from Elixir is possible but not recommended for production. Consider alternative solutions.
- Updating the textarea may sometimes trigger three.js controls unexpectedly.
- The initial camera position does not take into account the bounding box of the object.
Feel free to contribute by addressing these issues or submitting new ones.