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Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Jan 9, 2015 · 17 revisions
  1. Modify usb_vendor_request_write_spiflash()/usb_vendor_request_read_spiflash() to usb_vendor_request_write()/usb_vendor_request_read() which write/read in SRAM/Peripheral/SPIFlash depending on dest addr.
  2. SAFE Firmware flasher:
  • Do all check in host (after write readback the firmware from spiflash) (with a CRC32 or MD5 file with same name as the firmware to flash) and do not modify firmware except requires implementation of 1.
  1. Implement reset command.
  2. Add get_samplerates(-1) (return number of samples rates) and get_samplerates(nb_samplerates) commands (nb_samplerates shall be <= to returned value of get_samplerates(-1) else an error is returned).
  3. Change configuration M4, M0 and group all the config in 1 file and 1 structure in a fixed addr in FLASH and copied to a fixed addr in SRAM at start.
  4. Merge multiple sample rate config:
  • Idea1: Challenge Needs to change SI5351C LPC clock(main clock), so need to reconfigure ALL clocks like after a reset but without resetting USB0 Clock !!
    • Potential problems:
      • Random bug with USB lockup on PC side or FW side.. (ultra hard to debug) Due to reconfiguration of USB0 PLL (as it is required to reconfigure it)
      • LPC random freeze during reconfiguration of PLL1 (already seen).
  • Idea2: For each new sample rate set a variable with a signature in fixed SRAM addr and reboot, at boot check that signature and use the value to configure the system.
    • Potential problems:
      • No problem on firmware side ultra clean and simple.
      • On Host side lib airspy shall manage that new feature and close then reopen the device in a transparent way (as there is a new USB enumeration due to reboot).
  1. Implement EXT Clock 1pps detection/selection at boot in SI5351C.
  2. Calibration TODO define API/conf and how to do it (in SI5351C ...)