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Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the firmware wiki!


  • SAFE Firmware flasher:
    • Idea1: usb_vendor_request_write_spiflash() => Check Written Data for safer Flash and return KO or OK (today it does not check data and return always OK) also add Header with CRC32 to avoid flashing bad file ?
    • Idea2: Drop actual usb_vendor_request_write_spiflash(), reboot and check an internal flag to jump in ROM USB DFU like if it was done with Jumper (to be checked if that can work)
  • Change configuration M4, M0 and group all the config in 1 file and 1 structure in a fixed addr in FLASH and copied to a fixed addr in SRAM at start.
  • Calibration TODO define API/conf and how to do it (in SI5351C ...)