You should be in a directory containing 'smartshape-engine/'.
docker run -dit -v "$PWD":/data --name smartshape-android aerysinnovation/smartshape-build:android
Then enter the container and build the engine:
docker exec -it smartshape-android bash
cd /data/smartshape-engine
export MINKO_HOME="$PWD"
make -j4 config=android_release
You should be in a directory containing 'smartshape-engine/'. This usage pattern shares the ADB server container's network with ADB client containers:
docker run -dit --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v "$PWD":/data --name smartshape-android aerysinnovation/smartshape-build:android
Then enter the container and build the engine:
docker exec -it smartshape-android bash
cd /data/smartshape-engine
export MINKO_HOME="$PWD"
make -j4 config=android_release
Because the container is running privileged mode, you might want to chown
the build artifacts.
You should be in a directory containing 'smartshape-engine/'.
docker run -dit -v "$PWD":/data --name smartshape-html5 aerysinnovation/smartshape-build:html5
Then enter the container and build the engine:
docker exec -it smartshape-html5 bash
cd /data/smartshape-engine
export MINKO_HOME="$PWD"
make -j4 config=html5_release
You should be in a directory containing 'smartshape-app/'.
docker run -dit -v "$PWD":/data --name smartshape-ui aerysinnovation/smartshape-build:ui
Then enter the container and build the app:
docker exec -it smartshape-ui bash
cd /data/smartshape-app
npm install --no-bin-links
grunt build-app # or grunt build-app-production or grunt watch-app
Install docker toolbox: The installation path must not contain spaces.
Install cmder: Launch cmder.
In the bottom right corner, click on the little arrow next to the green '+' and select Setup tasks...
A new window will show up.
Then add a new predefined task by clicking on the '+'.
Rename it 'docker'
In task parameter, you can add /icon "path\to\DockerToolbox\docker-quickstart-terminal.ico"
And in commands, you have to add:
"path\to\cmder\vendor\git-for-windows\bin\bash.exe --login -i "path\to\DockerToolbox\" -new_console:d:"path\to\DockerToolbox""
Then save settings.
Reclick on the bottom right corner arrow and choose docker
Wait until the end.
Now configure the VM.
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count=2 --virtualbox-memory=4096 --virtualbox-disk-size=50000 default
Check on VirtualBox if the virtual machine 'default' is running and if the settings are correct. Now you can use docker on cmder.
You can see the procedure here: And the configuration of the VM here: