This is an implementation of Todo-Backend using the next generation of releases of the Typelevel stack of Scala libraries.
The following libraries are used:
- cats-1.5.0
- fs2-1.0.2
- http4s-0.20.0-M5
- circe-0.11.0
- doobie-0.7.0-M2
- newtype-0.4.2
- scalaz-deriving-1.0.0
- (and Flyway for database migrations)
To run the default tests for Todo-Backend, you will need a running database. This can be handled by docker by running the following:
docker run --rm -d -p 5432:5432 --name todo-backend-postgres postgres:alpine
This project is built using mill
To run the server call mill
. To automatically restart the server on code changes, call mill --watch todo.runBackground
Finally, visit to run the test suite on your local server.