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movitto edited this page Dec 7, 2012 · 1 revision

Audrey Reporting

High level summary of reporting goals

The goals of reporting in Audrey include:

  • provide on-demand feedback of deployments
  • provide capabilities for debugging deployment errors

The goals of reporting in Audrey exclude:

  • the mechanism(s) for displaying the collected reporting data
    • it is assumed that an outside system (probably Conductor) will use an Audrey Reporting API to gather the collected Audrey reporting data
  • the mechanism(s) for collating the collected reporting data
    • it is assumed that outside systems that display the Audrey reporting data will have their own preferences for organizing the data

Reporting Data Elements

Instance data

  • registered: Conductor has posted the configs for the instance to the config server
  • contacted: the instance has contacted the config server
  • complete: all services on the instance are configured
  • incomplete: the instance has stopped trying to configure and some of the services are not finished
  • timestamp of last contact: the last time the instance contacted the config server

Service data

  • complete: the service on an instance has finished configuration (show the configuration status)
  • incomplete: the service on an instance is not yet configured
  • timestamp of configuration start: the time that the configuration started for a service
  • timestamp of configuration end: the time that the configuration ended for a service

Deployment data

  • registered: conductor has posted configs for all instances in a deployment to the config server
  • complete: all the services of all the instances in the deployment are configured
  • incomplete: some of the services on the instances in the deployment are not yet configured
  • unresolved dependencies: some of the instances have not provided all of the “return” values (or service execution output)

Config Server data

  • running: the config server service is running


The initial implementation for the Config Server Reporting API will be an RPC/HTTP interface, staying in line with the other existing Config Server APIs.


  • /reports/deployment/$UUID
    • This endpoint will provide access to data specific to the requested deployment UUID. The data will be returned in an XML format (tbd).
  • /reports/instance/$UUID
    • This endpoint will provide access to data specific to the requested instance UUID. The data will be returned in an XML format (tbd).
    • Additionally, the XML returned from this call will also include data for all the instance’s services (see services endpoint).
  • /reports/instance/$UUID/service/$NAME
    • This endpoint will provide access to data specific to the requested instance’s UUID and service. The data will be returned in an XML format (tbd).

Next steps

  • work with Conductor team to understand what reporting framework conductor will use
    • last I heard this was not a current concern for that team (gdb – 13mar2012)
  • decide how to gather the data that is not currently gathered in config server
    • timestamp of last contact by instance
    • timestamp of configuration start
    • timestamp of configuration end
  • design API for accessing reporting data from config server
  • decide if a config server web UI for accessing some reporting information is useful