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Opening a release branch

Adriano Castro edited this page May 4, 2024 · 6 revisions

These are the steps to start a new release branch once a group of stories are ready to be developed.

  1. Checkout main branch
  2. Fetch origin
  3. Determine what's the next version number according to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
  4. Create a new branch with release- + the version number, for example: release-1.1.0
  5. Edit the version number in the following files
    • For each version of Memory.toc
      • Title
      • Version
    • Memory.lua
      • MemoryCore.ADDON_VERSION
      • Create a new version line with ### - version x.y.z, replacing x.y.z with the version number
  6. Commit those changes
  7. Open a new release PR with the title Release x.y.z
This is the release branch for Memory x.y.z.

## Before merge

- [ ] Changelog contains all the release notes
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