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Portable C99 implementation of Type-C PID controller with a flexible API and errors handling. Also an Arduino library.


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EPID: Type-C PID controller library


Portable implementation of Type-C PID controller for both hosted and freestanding C environments with a flexible API that allow the usage of third-party external and/or internal filter(s) for a better control backed with errors and exceptions handling.

Equations brief [*]:

$$P[k] = K_p \cdot (x[k-1] - x[k])$$ $$I[k] = K_i \cdot e[k] = K_i \cdot (SP - x[k])$$ $$D[k] = K_d \cdot (2x[k-1] - x[k-2] - x[k])$$ $$y[k] = y[k-1] + \Delta[k] = y[k-1] + P[k] + I[k] + D[k]$$
  • ( x ): Measured process variable (PV).
  • ( y ): Control variable (CV/CO).

In case of Markdown math equations rendering issues:

P[k] = Kp * (x[k-1] - x[k])
I[k] = Ki * e[k] = Ki * (SP - x[k])
D[k] = Kd * (2*x[k-1] - x[k-2] - x[k])

y[k] = y[k-1] + delta[k] = y[k-1] + P[k] + I[k] + D[k]

x: Measured process variable (PV).
y: Control variable (CV/CO).


  • Portable code: C standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99) or later.
  • Usage of IEEE-754 standard for floating-point arithmetic.
  • Handling of floating-point arithmetic errors.
  • Flexible API by dividing processing functions to allow the usage of third-party external and/or internal filter(s).
  • Permissive free software license (ISC).

API and usage synopsis

Macro constants and library settings

#include <pid.h> /* Header file */

EPID_LIB_VERSION "x.y.z" /* API and behavior semantic versioning. */
EPID_FEATURE_VALID_FLT /* To check against floating-point errors. */

/* For errors management; Type: epid_info_t */
EPID_ERR_NONE (2U) /* No error detected. */
EPID_ERR_INIT (0U) /* Bad Initialization. */
EPID_ERR_FLT (1U) /* Floating-point error. */
epid_info_t; /* Type for errors flag. */

Context structures


PID context structure.

typedef struct
/* Controller settings. */
float kp; /* Gain constant `Kp` for P-term. */
float ki; /* Gain constant `Ki` for I-term. */
float kd; /* Gain constant `Kd` for D-term. */

/* Controller states. */
float xk_1; /* Physical measurement `PV[k-1]`. */
float xk_2; /* Physical measurement `PV[k-2]`. */

/* Controller outputs. */
float p_term; /* The P-term calculated value `P[k]`. */
float i_term; /* The I-term calculated value `I[k]`. */
float d_term; /* The D-term calculated value `D[k]`. */

float y_out; /* The controller output (CV). `y[k] = y[k-1] + delta[k]` */
} epid_t;


Low-pass filter context structure.

typedef struct
    float smoothing_factor; /* Filter's smoothing factor. `0 <= a <= 1` */
    float y; /* `y[k] = FILTER(x[k])` */
} epid_lpf_t;

User functions

Initialization functions

Initialize or reset a `epid_t` context by direct gains assignment,
and set {`x[k-1]`, `x[k-2]`, `y[k-1]`}.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
xk_1: A process variable (PV) point `x[k-1]`.
xk_2: A process variable (PV) point `x[k-2]` for D-term.
y_previous: A control variable (CV) point `y[k-1]`.
kp: Gain constant `Kp` for P-term.
ki: Gain constant `Ki` for I-term.
kd: Gain constant `Kd` for D-term.

- {kp, ki, kd} must not be negative.
- {kp, ki} must not be zero.
- {xk_1, xk_2, y_previous, kp, ki, kd} must not be NAN, or INF.

  - `EPID_ERR_NONE` on success.
  - `EPID_ERR_INIT` if initialization error occurred.
  - `EPID_ERR_FLT` if floating-point arithmetic error occurred.
epid_init(epid_t *ctx,
          float xk_1, float xk_2, float y_previous,
          float kp, float ki, float kd);
Initialize or reset a `epid_t` context by `Kp` gain and time constants `Ti` and `Td`,
and set {`x[k-1]`, `x[k-2]`, `y[k-1]`}.
`Ki = Kp / (Ti / Ts) = (Kp * Ts) / Ti`
`Kd = Kp * (Td / Ts)`

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
xk_1: A process variable (PV) point `x[k-1]`.
xk_2: A process variable (PV) point `x[k-2]` for D-term.
y_previous: A control variable (CV) point `y[k-1]`.
kp: Gain constant `Kp` for P-term.
ti: Rate time constant for I-term [1 / time-unit]; `Ti = Kp / Ki`.
td: Reset time constant for D-term [time-unit]; `Td = Kd / Kp`.
sample_period: Sample time period in [time-unit] for `Ti` and `Td`.

- {kp, ti, td, sample_period} must not be negative.
- {ti, sample_period} must not be zero.
- {xk_1, xk_2, y_previous, kp, ti, td, sample_period} must not be NAN, or INF.

  - `EPID_ERR_NONE` on success.
  - `EPID_ERR_INIT` if initialization error occurred.
  - `EPID_ERR_FLT` if floating-point arithmetic error occurred.
epid_init_T(epid_t *ctx,
            float xk_1, float xk_2, float y_previous,
            float kp, float ti, float td,
            float sample_period);

Processing functions

Step one (1) processing functions

epid_pid_calc(), epid_pi_calc().

Do processing as a Type-C PI controller to calculated and update
terms {`P[k]`, `I[k]`} in in `epid_t` context.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
setpoint: The desired setpoint (SP).
measure: Measured process variable (PV).
epid_pi_calc(epid_t *ctx, float setpoint, float measure);
Do processing as a Type-C PID controller to calculated and update
terms {`P[k]`, `I[k]`, `D[k]`} in in `epid_t` context.
Note: There is NO noise filtering on the derivative-term (`D[k]`).

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
setpoint: The desired setpoint (SP).
measure: Measured process variable (PV).
epid_pid_calc(epid_t *ctx, float setpoint, float measure);

Step two (2) processing functions

epid_pid_sum(), epid_pi_sum().

Do processing as a Type-C PID controller and update the calculated
control variable (`y[k]`) in `epid_t` context.
`y[k] = y[k-1] + delta[k] = y[k-1] + P[k] + I[k]`
Note: If `y[k-1]` was FP NaN this will never result normal `y[k]` FP value,
so checking `epid_init*()` errors is recommended.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
out_min: Min output from controller.
out_max: Max output from controller.
epid_pi_sum(epid_t *ctx, float out_min, float out_max);
Do processing as a Type-C PID controller and update the calculated
control variable (`y[k]`) in `epid_t` context.
`y[k] = y[k-1] + delta[k] = y[k-1] + P[k] + I[k] + D[k]`
Note: There is NO noise filtering on the derivative-term (`D[k]`).
Note: If `y[k-1]` was FP NaN this will never result normal `y[k]` FP value,
so checking `epid_init*()` errors is recommended.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
out_min: Min output from controller.
out_max: Max output from controller.
epid_pid_sum(epid_t *ctx, float out_min, float out_max);

Utilities and filters

epid_util_ilim(): I-term anti-windup.

Limit I-term `I[k]` value to boundaries as an integrator anti-windup.
Use this function after `epid_pi*_calc()`.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_t` context.
i_min: Min `I[k]` value.
i_max: Max `I[k]` value.
epid_util_ilim(epid_t *ctx, float i_min, float i_max);

General infinite-impulse-response (IIR) single-pole low-pass filter (LPF), an exponentially weighted moving average (EMA). This can be used for D-term filtering for example.

Initialize or reset a `epid_lpf_t` context.
Infinite-impulse-response (IIR) single-pole low-pass filter (LPF),
an exponentially weighted moving average (EMA).

Use this function once before `epid_util_lpf_calc()`.
smoothing_factor can be defined as: `a = (2PI*dT*f_cut)/(2PI*dT*f_cut + 1)`.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_lpf_t` context.
smoothing_factor: Filter's smoothing factor. `0 < a < 1`.
x_0: Input `x[0]` value.

  - `EPID_ERR_NONE` on success.
  - `EPID_ERR_INIT` if initialization error occurred.
  - `EPID_ERR_FLT` if floating-point arithmetic error occurred.
epid_util_lpf_init(epid_lpf_t *ctx, float smoothing_factor, float x_0);
Apply an IIR LPF to an input `x[x]`.
Infinite-impulse-response (IIR) single-pole low-pass filter (LPF),
an exponentially weighted moving average (EMA).
`y[k] = FILTER(x[k]) = y[k-1] + smoothing_factor * (x[k] - y[k-1])`

Use this function after `epid_pid_calc()` to apply a D-term low-pass filter.

ctx: Pointer to the `epid_lpf_t` context.
input: Input `x[x]` value to filter.
epid_util_lpf_calc(epid_lpf_t *ctx, float input);

Code examples

  • Arduino IDE example: examples/Basic_API/Basic_API.ino.
  • Testing code: extras/testing/.

Software repository

GitHub repository:

Bitbucket repository:

Copyright and licensing

File: LICENSE.txt.

[*]: D. M. Auslander, Y. Takahashi and M. Tomizuka, "Direct digital process control: Practice and algorithms for microprocessor application," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 199-208, Feb. 1978, doi: 10.1109/PROC.1978.10870.