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Releases: Zhuinden/simple-stack

Simple Stack 2.9.0

06 May 00:40
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Simple-Stack 2.9.0 (2024-05-06)

  • ADDED: Backstack.goAppendChain(newKeys) and Backstack.goAppendChain(asReplace, newKeys) which appends the provided keys to the end of
    the current history.

If any duplicates are provided, they will also be added to the end. If a key already exists in the history, it gets removed from earlier and
appended to the end.

If there are implicit parents used as the reorder occurs, please make sure that the scope hierarchy can still be rebuilt from left-to-right
order. It might be preferred top use ScopeKey.Child instead of ScopeKey in these cases.

  • ADDED: Backstack.findServices(serviceSearchMode) and Backstack.findServicesFromScope(scopeTag, serviceSearchMode). (#284)

This allows for getting the services of a backstack (either only local services, or including parent services) that are accessible within
the backstack.

Simple Stack 2.8.0

03 Jul 12:59
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Simple-Stack 2.8.0 (2023-07-03)

  • ADDED: Backstack.setParentServices(Backstack parentServices)
    , Backstack.setParentServices(Backstack parentServices, String parentScopeTag) and Backstack.getParentServices() (as per #239).

When using backstack.lookupService(), backstack.canFindService(), backstack.canFindFromScope() and backstack.lookupFromScope(), then
if parent services are set, it will attempt to lookup the service with ALL from either the full scope hierarchy, or from the scope provided
as the parentScopeTag.

Please note that findScopesForKey() is NOT affected, as it would drastically alter behavior. If you need this, you can collect it from the
parent manually (which is partly why getParentServices() was added).

Simple Stack 2.7.0

31 Mar 17:27
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Simple-Stack 2.7.0 (2023-03-31)

  • MAJOR FEATURE ADDITION: Added Backstack.setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) to
    support android:enableBackInvokedCallback="true" on Android 14 for predictive back gesture support.

With this, Navigator.Installer.setBackHandlingModel(), BackstackDelegate.setBackHandlingModel(),
and Backstack.setBackHandlingModel() are added.

Also, ServiceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry() is added as a replacement for ScopedServices.HandlesBack.
Please note that using it requires AHEAD_OF_TIME mode, and without it, trying to
use ServiceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry() throws an exception.

Also, Backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack(), Backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener()
and Backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener() are added.


The AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model must be enabled similarly to how setScopedServices() or other similar configs
must be called before backstack.setup(), Navigator.install(), or BackstackDelegate.onCreate().

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is set, the behavior of goBack() changes. Calling goBack() when willHandleAheadOfTimeBack()
returns false throws an exception.

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is set, ScopedServices.HandlesBack will no longer be called (as it cannot return whether a
service WILL handle back or not), and should be replaced with registrations to the AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry.

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is NOT set (and therefore the default, EVENT_BUBBLING is set),
calling willHandleAheadOfTimeBack or addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener
or removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener throws an exception.

To migrate to use the ahead-of-time back handling model, then you might have the previous
somewhat onBackPressedDispatcher-compatible (but not predictive-back-gesture compatible) code:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: DefaultFragmentStateChanger

    private val backPressedCallback = object: OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
            if (!Navigator.onBackPressed(this@MainActivity)) {
                onBackPressed() // this is the reliable way to handle back for now 
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // this is the reliable way to handle back for now

        val binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
        fragmentStateChanger = DefaultFragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

This code changes to the following in order to support predictive back gesture using ahead-of-time model:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: FragmentStateChanger

    private lateinit var authenticationManager: AuthenticationManager

    private lateinit var backstack: Backstack

    private val backPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) { // <-- !
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {

    private val updateBackPressedCallback = AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener { // <-- !
        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = it // <-- !

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // <-- !

        fragmentStateChanger = FragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,

        backstack = Navigator.configure()
            .setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) // <-- !
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
        backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback) // <-- !

    override fun onDestroy() {
        backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback); // <-- !

    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

Please make sure to remove the AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener in onDestroy (Activity) or onDestroyView (
Fragment), because the listener staying registered would be a memory leak.

A "lifecycle-aware" callback might be added to simple-stack-extensions later.

If you can't update to the AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model, then don't worry, as backwards compatibility has been
preserved with the previous behavior.

When using AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model, ScopedServices.HandlesBack is no longer called. To replace this, you
might have had something like this:

class FragmentStackHost(
    initialKey: Any
) : Bundleable, ScopedServices.HandlesBack {
    var isActiveForBack: Boolean = false
    // ...
    override fun onBackEvent(): Boolean {
        if (isActiveForBack) {
            return backstack.goBack()
        } else {
            return false

This is replaced like so:

class FragmentStackHost(
    initialKey: Any,
    private val aheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry: AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry,
) : Bundleable, ScopedServices.Registered {
    var isActiveForBack: Boolean = false
        set(value) {
            field = value
            backCallback.isEnabled = value && backstackWillHandleBack

    private var backstackWillHandleBack = false
        set(value) {
            field = value
            backCallback.isEnabled = isActiveForBack && value

    private val backCallback = object : AheadOfTimeBackCallback(false) {
        override fun onBackReceived() {

    private val willHandleBackChangedListener = AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener {
        backstackWillHandleBack = it

    init {
        // ...
        backstackWillHandleBack = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack()

  override fun onServiceRegistered() {

  override fun onServiceUnregistered() {

Where FragmentStackHost gets the AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry
from serviceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry().

So in this snippet, whether back will be handled needs to be propagated up, and manage the enabled state of
the AheadOfTimeBackCallback to intercept back if needed.

While this might seem a bit tricky, this is how Google does it in their own micromanagement of communicating with
the onBackPressedDispatcher as well, so evaluating ahead of time who will want to handle back later is unavoidable.

  • DEPRECATED: BackstackDelegate.onBackPressed() and Navigator.onBackPressed(). Not only are they the same
    as backstack.goBack() and merely managed to confuse people historically, but this deprecation mirros the deprecation
    of onBackPressed in compileSdk 33, to push towards using predictive back.

Simple Stack 2.6.5

11 Nov 02:26
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Simple-Stack 2.6.5 (2022-11-11)

  • FIX: Backstack.CompletionListener added to Backstack that unregistered themselves during dispatching notifications
    would cause either a ConcurrentModificationException or invalid results, this is now fixed and no longer the case (
    #263, thanks @angusholder)

  • MINOR CHANGE: When Backstack.CompletionListener's are being notified, the state changer is temporarily removed (
    similarly to dispatching ScopedServices.Activated events), so that navigation actions invoked on Backstack are
    deferred until all Backstack.CompletionListeners are notified.

Simple Stack 2.6.4

21 Apr 15:32
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Simple-Stack 2.6.4 (2022-04-21)

  • FIX: Attempt at fixing a crash related to LinkedHashMap.retainAll() specifically on Android 6 and Android 6.1 devices (#256).

  • 2.6.3 had an issue with maven-publish and transitive dependencies not getting resolved for consumers, therefore it is skipped.

Simple Stack 2.6.2

07 Jun 20:07
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Simple Stack 2.6.2 (2021-06-07)

  • ADDED: Backstack.canSetScopeProviders().

This is in conjunction with the 2.6.1 change, while making it safe to use them without extra checks such as if(lastNonConfigurationInstance == null) {. (see #243)

Simple Stack 2.6.1

03 May 15:14
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Simple-Stack 2.6.1 (2021-05-03)

  • CHANGE: Backstack.setScopedServices(ScopedServices), Backstack.setGlobalServices(GlobalServices), and Backstack.setGlobalServices(GlobalServices.Factory) can now be called after setup(), but before setStateChanger().

This allows setting the scoped services on the backstack instance, when using deferred initialization, before the initial state change is run.

Simple Stack 2.6.0

08 Mar 04:07
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Simple-Stack 2.6.0 (2021-03-08)

  • ADD: Backstack.addRetainedObject(objectTag, retainedObject), Backstack.hasRetainedObject(objectTag), Backstack.removeRetainedObject(objectTag), Backstack.getRetainedObject(objectTag).

This allows simpler way of persisting an object instance across configuration changes.

Also, retained objects that implement Bundleable are given state restoration callbacks.

  • UPDATE: Add simple-stack-example-multistack-nested-fragment that shows how to create a fragment that has Backstacks for its child fragments, thus creating true multi-stack apps using nested backstacks.

  • DEPRECATED: Backstack.addCompletionListener, Backstack.removeCompletionListener, Backstack.removeCompletionListeners.

These were the same as addStateChangeCompletionListener and removeStateChangeCompletionListener, and should not have been duplicate APIs.

Simple Stack 2.5.0

16 Dec 12:32
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Simple Stack 2.5.0 (2020-12-16)

  • ADD: Backstack.exitScope(scopeTag), Backstack.exitScope(scopeTag, direction) and Backstack.exitScopeTo(scopeTag, targetKey, direction).

If a scope is found, the backstack now allows exiting from it. Providing a target allows exiting into a new target key.

  • ADD: AsyncStateChanger for convenience.

Mirroring the addition of SimpleStateChanger for synchronous state changes, AsyncStateChanger is for async state changes (while still no longer having to remember checking for the same key being provided using isTopNewKeyEqualToPrevious).

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.4.0 (add a few missing @Nullables that became platform types instead of nullables).

Simple Stack 2.4.0

08 Jul 18:06
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Simple-Stack 2.4.0 (2020-07-08)

  • SIGNATURE CHANGE: GlobalServices.Factory now receives Backstack parameter in create(). (#231)

I'm aware this is technically "breaking", but the effect should be minor, and hopefully shouldn't cause problems.`

The Backstack cannot be added as a service directly, but it can be added as an alias.

  • FIX: GlobalServices.Factory's create() method was non-null, but @Nonnull was missing.

  • MINOR FIX: Adding the Backstack from serviceBinder.getBackstack() with addService() would cause a loop in toBundle(). Now it explicitly throws IllegalArgumentException instead sooner (not reported before).

  • DEPRECATED: backstack.removeAllStateChangeCompletionListeners(). This was added "for convenience", but in reality it is not a good/safe API, and it should not exist.

  • UPDATE: Create and release simple-stack-extensions:2.0.0 for default scoping and default fragment behaviors.

  • ADD: GlobalServices.SCOPE_TAG to make it possible to see the scope tag of global services without relying on internals.