Sometimes, we maybe build some views repeatedly. Because we think that they just will be used under a condition. It's the curse of breaking the rule: DRY. In fact, If we are conscious of view's reusing, we will make more efforts to make it completely independent.
So for recording my growth, for writing less codes, for better tomorrow......
I should create this repository to summary some UI(cocoa Touch) extensions that are likely to be used in our work.
- Set image alignment:
button.zon.setImage(image, imageAlignment: .top, spacing: 0, state: .normal)
Effect just like this:
- Generate QR code:
QRImageView.image = UIImage.zon.qrImage(content: "我(I) you 🤣", size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200))
- Rotate image with degree by clockwise.
- Compose image with color.
- Tint image with color.
- Read gif file.
- Save image of UIImageView to album by Photos:
imageView.zon.saveImage(completion: @escaping (Result<UIImage, Error>) -> Void)
- Edit action:
myLabel.zon.asMenuTrigger([MenuItem(title: "test", action: #selector(testAction))])
- Get view controller who contains itself by response chain.
- Shortcuts of frame.
- Hotspot. Expand or shrink user interaction area with AOP.
let button = UIButton()
// Expand(negative value) or shrink(positive value) extra hotspot area.
button.zon.extraArea = .init(top: 10, left:10, bottom: 10, right: 10)
// Specify minimum positive hotspot size. View will expand its bounds for Hit-Test equally to fit it.
button.zon.minimumSize = .init(width: 44, height: 44)
- Add gradient layer:
let view = UIView()
let layer = view.zon.gradientLayer // GradationSettable, view will add sublayer automatically.
protocol GradationSettable: AnyObject {
var locations: [CGFloat] { get set }
var colors: [UIColor] { get set }
var startPoint: CGPoint { get set }
var endPoint: CGPoint { get set }
- Add touchUpInside event action like UIButton with highlighted status:
view.zon.onTouchUpInside(canceller: OutOfBoundsCanceller()) {
// do something.
- The time interval of browsing view:
- Add/Remove child.
- Get a visiable navigation controller can push and pop view controller.
- Get/Set sring/image from background queue.
- Remove all arranged views.
- Set layout padding and background color.
- Reuse
- Scroll to bottom.
- Reuse
- Scroll to bottom.
- Init color with hex string like: prefix -> #/0x, suffix -> RGB/RGBA/RRGGBB/RRGGBBAA.
To be continue...