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New netz, Ohel Michael
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NightScript370 committed Sep 13, 2024
1 parent 4ea1629 commit 60c9df3
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions _includes/printcal/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
###### Sunrise / Sunset

Sunrise (“Netz”) is defined as the time when the uppermost edge of the solar sphere is first visible in the east (astronomically, this time is approximately six minutes prior to a full solar reveal)<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">רמב"ם (סדר אהבה) הלכות קריאת שמע א':י"א לפי גרסת כסף משנה, רב פעלים חלק ב' או"ח פרק ג'</span></span>. Sunset (“Shekiya”) is defined with the complete setting of the sphere in the west.<span class="footnote">הלכה ברורה (הקדמה לסימן רס"א הלכה כ"א). עוד בילקוט יוסף מהדורה חדשה סימן פט דף ת"ס</span>
Sunrise (“Netz”) is defined as the time when the uppermost edge of the solar sphere is first visible in the east (astronomically, this time is approximately six minutes prior to a full solar reveal).<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">רמב"ם (סדר אהבה) הלכות קריאת שמע א':י"א לפי גרסת כסף משנה, רב פעלים חלק ב' או"ח פרק ג'</span></span> Sunset (“Shekiya”) is defined with the complete setting of the sphere in the west.<span class="footnote">הלכה ברורה (הקדמה לסימן רס"א הלכה כ"א). עוד בילקוט יוסף מהדורה חדשה סימן פט דף ת"ס</span>

Calculations use the NOAA algorithm to determine sunrise & sunset for the exact geolocation<span class="footnote">See the דברי יוסף (61a). Most פוסקים say that the entire city should rely on one time, yet that isn't feasable without much more geographic data and clarity from the פוסקים themselves</span> used when generating the calendar. In the "Ohr Hachaim calendar" mode, elevation is also a factor that impacts all these times, making sunrise earlier and sunset later (thereby extending how long the day's length is).<span class="footnote">Those looking to exclude elevation (as per the Psak of the Halacha Berurah) should set the elevation info to "0" when generating the calendar</span>

Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ This gives us two options for how long the day should be: Measuring the time fro


When it comes to times that are outside sunrise and sunset, although there is no concern for seasonal astronomical differences, authorities argue that there needs to be a level of deviation based on where one is located on a latitudinal level<span class="footnote">Authorities above + Halacha Berurah (intro to siman 261 halacha 13). The Yalkut Yosef (new edition, siman 261 page 755) concurs in regard to Motzeh Shabbat but distinguishes that one may be lenient regarding rabbinical matters (like awaiting nightfall for Mikvah, or end of fasts) after sunset (even in high latitude places like France). In this regard, the Amudeh Hora'ah calendar follows the ruling of Halacha Berurah (above) which is the position mentioned in all the early authorities (above) and accurately corresponds to the physical circumstance.</span>. As such, the "Amudeh Hora'ah calendar" mode accomodates this by applying the astronomical degree for that time to the destination's equinox day, measuring the minutes between them and making _those_ minutes the seasonal count (so 13.5 minutes after sunset in Israel becomes 16.5 minutes after sunset in NY). From there, we now have a calendar that matches the Ohr Hachaim calendar in Eretz Yisrael as well closer matches the astronomy for other lands.
When it comes to times that are outside sunrise and sunset, although there is no concern for seasonal astronomical differences, authorities argue that there needs to be a level of deviation based on where one is located on a latitudinal level.<span class="footnote">Authorities above + Halacha Berurah (intro to siman 261 halacha 13). The Yalkut Yosef (new edition, siman 261 page 755) concurs in regard to Motzeh Shabbat but distinguishes that one may be lenient regarding rabbinical matters (like awaiting nightfall for Mikvah, or end of fasts) after sunset (even in high latitude places like France). In this regard, the Amudeh Hora'ah calendar follows the ruling of Halacha Berurah (above) which is the position mentioned in all the early authorities (above) and accurately corresponds to the physical circumstance.</span> As such, the "Amudeh Hora'ah calendar" mode accomodates this by applying the astronomical degree for that time to the destination's equinox day, measuring the minutes between them and making _those_ minutes the seasonal count (so 13.5 minutes after sunset in Israel becomes 16.5 minutes after sunset in NY). From there, we now have a calendar that matches the Ohr Hachaim calendar in Eretz Yisrael as well closer matches the astronomy for other lands.

###### Dawn

Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ For our calendar, we maintain the recommended position to measure this time as o

###### Keriath Shema End Time

With the commandment of קריאת שמע applying "when one arises" and "when one lies down", the codified interpretation for זמן קריאת שמע של שחרית is to use the time that people of luxury arises as reference<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">ר' יהושע משנה ברכות א':ב', שמואל ברכות בבלי י:</span></span>. As such, one must have said all three paragraphs of קריאת שמע by the end of the third halachic hour of the day.
With the commandment of קריאת שמע applying "when one arises" and "when one lies down", the codified interpretation for זמן קריאת שמע של שחרית is to use the time that people of luxury arises as reference.<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">ר' יהושע משנה ברכות א':ב', שמואל ברכות בבלי י:</span></span> As such, one must have said all three paragraphs of קריאת שמע by the end of the third halachic hour of the day.

There is a dispute amongst Aḥaronic authorities whether the codification of this time (three hours) is Rabbinic (making the hours measured from sunrise until sunset<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">רמב"ם (סדר אהבה) הלכות קריאת שמע א':ו"א, סידור רב סעדיע גאון דף י"ב, ביעור הגר"א או"ח תנ"ט:ב'</span></span>) or Biblical (making the hours measured from Dawn until RT's Nightfall<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">חיד"א (שו"ת חיים שאל) ב' ל"ח:ע', בא"ח (פרשת ויקהל ד', רב פעלים ב':ב'), כף החיים נ"ח:ד', תרומת הדשן א'</span></span>). Although one should be stringent by the earlier time of Dawn->Nightfall<span class="footnote">It is not only a matter of Biblical doubt, but there are those that argue even those who normally hold by the later time instead hold by the earlier time for the commandment of שמע (Maghen Avraham, 58:1)</span>, one can rely on the later time בשעת הדחק.

Expand All @@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ The earliest one can pray תפילת המנחה is a half hour after the halachi
However, it is preferable for one to wait until the 9.5<sup>th</sup> seasonal hour into the day<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">ילקוט יוסף רל"ג:א'</span></span>, as this is the time for "מנחה קטנה". We list both times, should one be in need of praying earlier.

###### Plag Haminḥa
The time from מנחה קטנה until the end of the day is divided into two halves, each lasting 1¼ seasonal hours<span class="footnote">ברכות בבלי כז. שמנחה קטנה היא שתי שעות ומחצה</span>. By the second half (which we call פלג המנחה), one can start performing a select few commandments of the night, such as accepting Shabbat early<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">רמא בשלחן ערוך (או"ח) רס"א:ב' שמביא שיטת הבית יוסף</span></span>, lighting Ḥanukah candles early<span class="footnote">חזון עובדיה חנוכה עמוד פ"ט</span> or praying תפילת ערבית when one (preferably) already prayed Minḥa.
The time from מנחה קטנה until the end of the day is divided into two halves, each lasting 1¼ seasonal hours.<span class="footnote">ברכות בבלי כז. שמנחה קטנה היא שתי שעות ומחצה</span> By the second half (which we call פלג המנחה), one can start performing a select few commandments of the night, such as accepting Shabbat early<span class="footnote"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext;">רמא בשלחן ערוך (או"ח) רס"א:ב' שמביא שיטת הבית יוסף</span></span>, lighting Ḥanukah candles early<span class="footnote">חזון עובדיה חנוכה עמוד פ"ט</span> or praying תפילת ערבית when one (preferably) already prayed Minḥa.

By definition, one would measure the days length and mark this by the 11¾<sup>th</sup> hour. Consistent with R' Ovadia's method of calculating halachic times<span class="footnote">הליכות עולם א' דפים ק"ו ורמ"ח</span>, R' David Yosef<span class="footnote">אוצרות יוסף בסוף הלכה ברורה חלק י"ד תשובה ז</span> holds to measure this time backwards from sunset<span class="footnote">כמו שכתב בכף החיים רל"ג:ז', מנחת כהן מאמר ב' סוף פרק ט', רמב"ם הלכות תפילה ג:ד</span>. However, R' Avraham Yosef + R' Yitzḥak Yosef<span class="footnote">ילקוט יוסף, מהדורה חדשה, סימן רע"א דפים קלט & קמד-קמז</span> quote their father<span class="footnote">Yabia Omer vol. 2 siman 21 num. 15</span> that marks this time to work backwards from the _Geonic Nightfall_<span class="footnote">While still having the length of the minutes based on sunrise until sunset, see Agur end of 327</span>. Although one can choose to follow the earlier time of the Halacha Berurah<span class="footnote">There is no concern of blessings in vain since calculating Plag from sunset has been the custom (Halacha Berurah, ibid & Minḥat Cohen ibid)</span>, there is not too much of a difference between the two to recommend one or the other. As such, one should learn the material before arriving at their own conclusion.
By definition, one would measure the days length and mark this by the 11¾<sup>th</sup> hour. Consistent with R' Ovadia's method of calculating halachic times<span class="footnote">הליכות עולם א' דפים ק"ו ורמ"ח</span>, R' David Yosef<span class="footnote">אוצרות יוסף בסוף הלכה ברורה חלק י"ד תשובה ז</span> holds to measure this time backwards from sunset.<span class="footnote">כמו שכתב בכף החיים רל"ג:ז', מנחת כהן מאמר ב' סוף פרק ט', רמב"ם הלכות תפילה ג:ד</span> However, R' Avraham Yosef + R' Yitzḥak Yosef<span class="footnote">ילקוט יוסף, מהדורה חדשה, סימן רע"א דפים קלט & קמד-קמז</span> quote their father<span class="footnote">Yabia Omer vol. 2 siman 21 num. 15</span> that marks this time to work backwards from the _Geonic Nightfall_.<span class="footnote">While still having the length of the minutes based on sunrise until sunset, see Agur end of 327</span> Although one can choose to follow the earlier time of the Halacha Berurah<span class="footnote">There is no concern of blessings in vain since calculating Plag from sunset has been the custom (Halacha Berurah, ibid & Minḥat Cohen ibid)</span>, there is not too much of a difference between the two to recommend one or the other. As such, one should learn the material before arriving at their own conclusion.

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