Distributed Price Feed spawns a number of libp2p nodes that form a distributed system. Each node pulls ETH price from an external provider, communicates it to the other nodes and once certain conditions are met they all persist this value in a shared postgres instances.
- to setup and run nodes
- implementation of Kademlia DHT. For nodes discovery
- pubsub implementation for libp2p. So that nodes are able to gossip with each other
- implementation of Multiaddr address format. To connect to bootstrap peer
- postgres database driver
- nice extensions to standard sql library
- to make sure no precision is lost in decimal numbers
- logging
- docker
- kubernetes
I used kind
to run local cluster. If you choose to use another tool, simply run the docker build command from the ./scripts/package.sh
file in order to build docker image. Then load it to your local cluster. Otherwise you may use the helper script below.
To build docker
image and add it to kind
local cluster:
To deploy the network with 4 nodes: Note: bootstrap node is always deployed. The number here relates to the number of additional nodes to be deployed so in total it's 1 + NODES.
To stop the system:
To check if the pods are running:
kubectl get pods
To check logs of a pod:
kubectl logs {{pod_name}}
To check the eth prices added to the database:
kubectl exec -it {{postgres_pod}} -- psql -d postgres -U postgres
select * from eth_prices order by createdat desc;