Repository for Manuscript in revision with title:
Architectural principles of lymphoma-induced lymph node tissue remodeling
Contributors: Felix Czernilofsky, Lea Jopp-Saile, Anna Mathioudaki
All code used in the manuscript can be accessed and cloned via the present repository
Objects available in Zenodo.
Raw data have been deposited in EGA.
Links will be made public upon acceptance.
BD Rhapsody Docker image version 1.9 (
Python v3.9
Scikit-learn v.1.3.2
R v.4.1.0
Seurat version v.4.3.0
Scanorama v.1.7.3
MAST v.1.22.0
ClusterProfiler v.4.6.3
DAseq v.1.0.0
NicheNet’s v.1.1.1
biomaRt v.2.28.0
Scriabin (installed from main in Oct2022)
pySCENIC v.0.11.1 & GRNboost2 from Arboreto package
R v.4.1.0
maxstat package v.07.25
survminer v.0.4.9
survival v.3.1-12